Yesterday Lincoln got his bandage taken off of his chest. Now you can see his "war wound" scar he will be proud to show as a boy. They even spiked his hair when he got his bath. His nurse did a trial run with a pacifier. Infants who often go into surgery right after they are born loose their "suck & swallow" technique because they are not eating right away and have to be taught again. Lincoln obviously knows what he is doing since he grabbed a hold of it and went to town! Well, the plan today is the same...keep him comfortable, stable, watch his heart, keep his lungs dry, no pain from his chest tubes, no infections, good blood gases, and WAIT for the chylothorax to heal. Please pray for those things and for us! Also pray for one specific bill as our insurance has threatened to not cover it. Thanks again for you faithfulness and love! We will talk to you soon. J&K
I am so amazed at how much personality Lincoln has already. You can just see it coming through the pictures. I have to keep reminding myself that he is only a few weeks old. What an amazing blessing that God gave him such an amazing personality. We love you guys and are continuing to pray for your strength and Lincolns healing. We will remember to pray for you financial stuff too.
We will be out of town this weekend and will not have internet access. I think I will be going through withdrawl. It has become such a routine to check in on you guys several times a day.
love ya,
sarah, john, madison and joel
Lincoln is looking better and more attentive every time we see his pictures. He is so stinkin' cute. We are in continual prayer and praise the Lord again for another wonderful miracle at how things that could be affecting him are not. That is an awesome piece of Grace from the most wonderful Grace giver.
We love you guys so much.
E,J &M
Josh & Kristen,
Lincoln looks so great! I'm proud of him and of the two of you! Keep on keeping on! Well, Lincoln and I will have to compare open heart surgury scars sometime! I knew we'd have a lot in common! Anyway, everyone is right when they say Lincoln looks like you Josh...I just hope he doesn't have your toes!!! AHHHH!!!
In all seriousness...
Our prayers are with you guys!
What son of Josh could ever "forget" how to eat??? :)Hahaha!! Seriously, that is great news and it is so wonderful to see Lincoln looking so good. We wish we were able to be there with you guys to give you a hug or a few laughs but we will have time for all that soon enough. You guys are such an inspiration to other believers as to how you can still have the joy of the Lord in the midst of very trying circumstances. You exhibit strength that I could only hope to have if in a similar situation. Your son is blessed to have such wonderful, loving parents like you.
Love, Melissa
The third pic looks like Lincolns' Blinkin'. He's giving us the "A-OK" look!! We know he has many obstacles yet to go through but the Lord is faithfull and full of mercy and grace. We continue to pray!!!! This blog is a major
work distraction but keepum' comin' !!! We love seeing
new pics. Get some rest you guys, we hope to see you and Lincoln next weekend!!!
God is Good!!!
Uncle Sam & Aunt Michelle
hey guys...
i check this blog 42 times a day, hoping to see and hear more little miracles. aunt vicky is right...lincoln looks JUST LIKE what i remember josh looking like as a baby, back in the day (um, thirty years ago...man, we're old!) i have loved looking at the progression of his growth, his personality, his pinkiness coming through. God is taking care of your little one, and not only that, he is so very close to each of your hearts. you all amaze me. i wish we were closer so we could bring you a good meal, and give hugs. until then, friends, continue to walk in the faith that you so abundantly show to each one of us...
mara (doug and brinley)
Hey Guys,
Just checked in again and was so encouraged to see Lincoln with hardly any tubes and looking bright and alert.
He's sure a cutie! We'll be praying that his condition continues to improve. I'm sure you guys lose your prespective sitting in the hospital with him all day (and most the night) but he has really come a long way in the last several days. I know there is still so much to overcome but wow God has been faithful so far. We'll be praying for you and Kristen to be encouraged and that you can see God's hand working in little Lincoln's body. Keep up the postings (especially the pics)
it really motivates prayer to be able to see him and hear about him.
Love you guys!
Lynette (for the Booye's)
Everytime you post pictures, he looks soooo much better. It's amazing the progress he's made so far--and only in a couple weeks!!! We wanna come back again and see him awake and with personality! Thanks for updating so often and with so many pictures. We love to see him growing and changing. Will continue to lift you all up in prayer. Thanks for giving us such specific prayer requests. God is in the details!
Hey Josh and Kristin,
Love the new "spiked" look for Lincoln! He is so cute and is really looking great. I know you are enjoying all these new facial expressions and his own personality coming out. I know God has a unique plan for this special little boy and it will be exciting to see how he is used for God's glory!
It is so fun to see Lincoln with his Binki! Glad he adapted so quickly.
I just came from our first worship, prayer and praise service in our new sanctuary and I am so filled up with the Lord and His love. We have an Awesome God and He is a God of miracles and I continue to trust Him for Lincoln's complete healing.
Will be praying regarding the insurance, that God will provide in His own special way.
Get some much needed rest to prepare for a new day in the Lord. God bless you for your faithfulness to Him.
Love ya much,
Aunt Donna :-) Isa. 40:31 & Psalm 4:8
Hey Guys,
That first picture is unbelieveable!! What a handsome little guy! He looks so content and soooooooooooo healthy. God is good! (Keep those pics coming!)
I had to tell you this: My mother-in-law, Grace, was asking me about Lincoln today and she said, "You can't KNOW how many people are praying for that little guy!" Trust me when I say she knows half the free world.
So there you have it. Why are we surprised that Lincoln is doing so well, when sooooooooooo many people are praying!
Love you guys, sleep tight...all three of you.
Love, Linda
What a handsome little boy he is! It is so wonderful to see his precious face now. The boys definitely think the scar will be cool to show around to friends.
We are praising God with you for the many answers to prayer so far. Today we leave on vacation and will not be able to check the blog as often. Lincoln and the two of you have been such a part of our daily life these past weeks that we will miss the constant updates, but will keep you all in our prayers. It will be exciting to see what great things God has done the next time we are able to touch base with you.
Thank you both for taking the time to keep this blog - it encourages us to prayer and blesses us when we see His answers. Lincoln's life is already ministering and he hasn't even left the hospital yet!
In His love,
Dan, Leeanne, Kyle and Sam
Josh and Kristen,
What a privelege to watch God in action! What a miracle to see Lincoln doing so well. He is such a beatuiful little boy. Thank God for all the tubes, when they were needed but doubly thanks to God for the tubes being gone and being able to see Lincoln's handsome face.
We are praying continually for all that you have asked. I know the throne of God is being bombarded with prayers on Lincoln's behalf.
Praying for your endurance, patience and strength.
We love you all,
Valerie and Haig
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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