So we actually went home and got some sleep last night. I felt guilty leaving last night because he was so unstable...but he did OK too. Even though the surgery went well, his body now needs to adjust to all of the changes of the heart and we are finding that it isn't so easy. The blood pressures in his body are still sort of week and his heart rate is very fast. They can control this with medication but they want to see him come off of the medication. The are watching some of his vital organs to see if the lack of good blood pressure and perfusion is keeping them working properly. One of these concerns is with his kidneys. Before surgery he was peeing really well...an indication that his kidneys were functioning well due to good blood flow. Since surgery he his urination has been very bad (only about 1 cc an hour). A lot of times this can happen when you are put on heart/lung bypass for surgery and takes a few days to start up again. The prayer is that his body adjusts well to the changes and that his little heart and vessels send blood all the way from his head to his toes and keep everything warm, pink, and functioning great....and that he PEES! So now we wait and see what will happen...only he now can tell us how to adjust to his needs and we pray there wont be need for any major procedures until he is stable. We love you all...We will send an update soon!
Hi Josh & Kristen,
What a wonderful report on Lincoln for last night! God is soooo Good! I was awakened several times in the night and prayed for Lincoln and all of you. I am glad that you both got some much needed rest.
I was listening to a CD by Sheila Walsh this morning and I thought of both of you as I listened to "You Raise me Up". It has ministered to my heart so many times when I am going through deep waters. The words are:
When I am down and O my soul so weary; When troubles come and my heart burdened be; Then I am still and wait here in the silence until You come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas. And I am strong when I am on Your shoulders. You raise me up to more than I can be.
There is no life without its hunger. Each restless heart beats so imperfectly, but when You come and I am filled with wonder, sometimes I think I glimpse eternity.
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas. And I am strong when I am on Your shoulders. You raise me up to more than I can be.
I pray that the Lord will use this song to minister to your hearts and the hearts of family there supporting you.
I will pray that Lincoln's body reponds positively to all the changes and that he will begin to "Pee" normally! God continues His miracle step by step and I rejoice with you. I wish it were possible for me to be with you during this time and give you lots of hugs but please know my love and prayers are with you each step of the way.
For His Glory and in His love,
Aunt Donna :-) II Cor. 4: 16-18
"The supreme need in every hour of difficulty is a vision of God."
Hi Carter's,
We are in prayer around the clock. Great to hear that rest has finally come your way a little. Lincoln is continually lifted up in prayers in this house and I know many others around the globe. We are so thankful that the Lord has done so many miracles thus far. We will pray that his little body will start to "Pee" right away. We love you three so much and can't wait to see you again soon.
The Doswalds.
ps Makayal keeps asking about Josh. I'm sorry Kris, but for some reason she loves him a lot.
Hello Josh, Kristen and Lincoln,
You don't know me, but I am praying for your family. Judy Parks sent me the link to your blog. I am lifting little Lincoln up to Our Father in heaven.
Dear Heavenly Father we come to you today in humble need, knowing fully you are the Most High and Most loving Lord. We ask that you scoop up Lincoln and cradle him in Your healing hands.
Lord so many miracles are provided by you daily and I come to your throne now to ask for another. Lord this precious child whom you have placed into the care of Josh and Kristen is such an amazing testament of Your wonders. You knit him perfectly according to Your plan, and we come to you now and ask that You strengthen him, and heal his body so that He may continue to grow in love with the parents You have so wisely chosen for him.
Father God, there is a time for every purpose under heaven, please let this little child serve as a miracle. A wonder that touches the nurses and the doctors, and his family and friends. We ask this in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Because I really only know Grandpa Rob of all of you guys, I now feel more like family and I'm looking forward to you coming home so I can spend a little time with you and especially Lincoln. Our prayers are with you. May each of you be filled with an inner joy that passes all earthly understanding!
Love, Jan and the ESA family
Kris & Josh we are still praying for both of you. We will pray for Lincoln's body to adjust to his heart, and that his heart rate will come down. We can't imagine all you are going through right now, but we do know that God can sustain both of you and Lincoln!! Thanks for all the updates during this time.
Love, Chris & Josh
Hey you guys...
We are obsessed with the blogsite. I think I check it too often! Just curiosity (and love)! Anyway, happiness is sleeping, so good for you!
After the good reports we've been getting from your Mom (Vicki Lynn), we have been thrilled to rejoice with you! We pray for Lincoln ah lahhht! Tonight we told Ethan to pray before bed time as we always do and he asked..."For baby Lincoln too?" He prays for "doctors and nurses" as well.
This weekend I was at a Women of Faith Conference here in Fresno, and during the worship time I found myself smiling and praising the God that I've been praying to for Lincoln's healing as He does great things for this priceless infant. Each miracle he does is so powerful, even if it seems minute! (Like peeing!!!) Heard he was successful there! He is a precious boy and we do love him so! You too! Take care my friends!
Obsessed with the blogsite,
Danielle Bohr
for Mike, Ethan & Ellie
Hi Josh and Kristen,
It's Kari Schauer (Bradbury)! I was so sad to hear of your struggles with your new little one! I always wonder why God gives us the trials we must face. I have to think that it is His way of always turning us back to him for strength and perservance. We are all praying for you guys and hope that little Lincoln will get stronger with every day that comes. Miss you and love ya!
Kristen & Josh,
My family has been praying for you since we heard about Lincoln a couple weeks ago. I struggle to understand how He can allow these things, but I'm so imspired by your faith through this. I know He's ultimately in control and has so much more vision than we ever will. But, that doesn't always make it easier in the moment. Our hearts are with you and little Lincoln.
Shannon (Field) Andres
Dave and Frankie's Life Group in the Roseville, CA area and many others continue to fervently lift you all in prayer. May you feel and know God's presence close by.
God woke me up very early this morning to pray for Lincoln. What a privilege! I am praying for God's mercy and grace upon you all. I ask God to put you all on our minds when you especially need prayer. We will be faithful to lift you up to God at those times!
Judy P.
Hi Josh and Kristen,
So thankful to our heavenly Father that our little Lincoln is stable tonight. I am praying for a restful night for Lincoln and for you guys too. Sleep is a good thing!
Josh I want to wish you a very Happy Father's Day tomorrow
as you spend it with your son. What a blessing! God is so good!
We get updates from your mom a couple times a day, which we are so thankful for, but tonight we hadn't heard from her yet. Before George went to bed (early on Saturday night) he asked if I would call Vicki and see how Lincoln was doing. If we could we would all be there with you. We are in spirit. Praying for God's best for you all.
Happy Father's Day Josh! We love you guys and we are praying for the little man. Glad to see you both got some sleep. God bless you all.
Love, Ben, Rachel & boys
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