Hey there everyone! Sorry for no update in the last 24 hours...but no news is good news I guess. Lincoln is doing good. There hasn't been much change in the last day and a half. Lincoln is finally shedding off a lot of water. He is on two diuretics and is starting to look more like his birth weight. One of his 3 chest tubes is draining a lot more fluid which is baffling the doctors considering it was almost dry. The plan is to let him keep getting fluid off of him and after that start weaning the ventilator. Lincoln is doing great during the times he is fussy. His vitals are stable when he cries. He also like to kick & push your hands away when he has had enough. Now, if we could only get him to stop pulling on his ET tube (ventilator tube)!...becuase of which he has now adopted the nick name Linker Stinker! Please pray that the chest tube stops leaking (only if that is a bad thing which we don't know at this point); His urine output stays great; and that we see forward progress with his heart and lungs! Pray also for us as we are sooooo drained physically and emotionally! Pray for medical finance and that Lincoln's CCS insurance goes through quickly! We love you all....talk to you soon! J&K
Hey you guys!!
Checking this blog before bedtime. Yeah!! I love good news. Lincoln seems to be doing so well, progressing each day...God is so good! What a praise.
Tonight my brother and his wife, and Mike and Danielle were over for dinner. George was asking the blessing and at the end of it Ethan interupted the prayer with "and Baby Lincoln too!" So precious...out of the mouths of babes. So cute.
We are continually praying for him and you guys too. I can't imagine how exhausted you must be. Just know your family is being lifted up to our Heavenly Father.
Sending much love,
Linda and George
Hi Josh and Kristen,
Yippee! We are thrilled for you both...Linker Stinker looks good and sounds like he's recovering well. God is soooo good!
Mike and I are up late getting ready for a Fondue party that we are having tomorrow with our Sunday school class. Michael decided to check the blogsite in these wee hours of the morning and yippee!
When Ethan gets excited about something he says..."Hippee Hippee Ray, Hippee Hippee Ray!" I'll translate for this 2 year old..."Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!"
We will continue to pray for you all, that God will sustain you each day, each hour, and each moment!We love you!
Hippee Hippee Ray,
Danielle (for Michael too)
Just wanted to let you guys know that we are praying for you and your little guy! God is so good!
~Kim Gorauskas (DeVries)
Hi Josh and Kristen,
This note came from one of my friends who is praying:
"With each mail that comes, I pause and praise the Lord for what He is doing and that He will breathe His breath into this child. It is wonderful to see how the Lord can overcome the humanly obstacles we see."
I am praying for you both as I know you have to be exhausted. I cannot even imagine the emotional roller coaster you are on. When I get to the point of exhaustion physically and emotionally, I cling to verses like Isa. 40:31, Psalm 23; Psalms 4:8; Phil 4:13 and so many more. I pray that Linker Stinker will continue to progress and not pull on his ventilator tube. I also pray the doctors will have wisdom in determining why chest tubes are draining more than normal.
I will be praying for the financial and insurance requests as well. Whenever I get stressed about finances, one of my dear friends, who is 80, always says to me, "God owns the cattle on 1000 hills and He can sell as many as he needs at any time."
Blessings to you and your family. I trust that Sam will have a good birthday tomorrow as well.
Love ya much,
Aunt Donna :-) Psalm 23
God is so good. Each time I check the blog, I stand amazed at the miracles of God! Lincoln and both of you are a testimony to God's greatness! You are being lifted up in prayer and we pray God gives you strength and energy, that He shows Himself in HUGE ways as provider and that Lincoln continues to take steps forward. What a mighty God we serve!
wooohoooo nothing posted. saves my email box!
Hi Guys...
Michael, Terri & Matthew here...
Of course we're praying for you all!! Every day!!!
Hi you guys,
He is soo... handsome. It sounds like he has a great personality on him too!! We have continually been praying! He looks better everytime I see him.
Jen Duerksen
Just wanted to let you know that there are lots of us praying for you and thinking of you guys. Thanks for the updates. I'm praying for you and your precious little one.
Jennie Cardillo (Laura Pando's sister)
My 3 1/2 yr old Kyle asks to pray for Lincoln every night at dinner. He also asks to come and see Lincoln's website. We're praying for strength for you all, as I can only imagine how tired you must be.
Take Care
Amber and family
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