Hey there! Yesterday was a hard day...a lot of ups and downs (which is to be expected). Lincoln peed (like he was told to from his daddy)...but toooo much! His Blood pressure bottomed out because he might of became dehydrated. Yes, it is a balancing act with everything especially when he has 15 different pumps pumping different medications to do different things all at the same time and adjusting them as he changes. Lincoln finally stabled out last night only to get a low grade fever (which is also common after surgery). They are drawing labs today to determine if it might be because of an infection. Today the plan is to keep him comfortable,

peeing, keep his fever down and his vitals stable until the Dr's can discuss his case today and make a decision on what to do next. Please pray that Lincoln makes us all surprised and takes baby steps forward. We know that God is more than able! Also, please pray for physical and emotional stamina as Kristen and I hit a hard spot yesterday...We know that the joy of the Lord is our strength...so we ask for that today...JOY! Lincoln got some visitors this last week and yesterday. Eric & Jill Doswald came for the delivery and were a huge encouragement. Dave & Michelle Aaron came too and brought a adorable outfit for Lincoln to wear as soon as he is able. Rick & Lana Jackson came from Oakhurst and brought a little bear stuffed animal to put in his bed to keep him company. Not to leave out...grandparents, auntie Heather & cousin Sydney, auntie Tina and uncle Sam & aunt Michelle. Kristen was able to pick Lincoln up and hold him while the nurse changed his bedding...that was a treat! And when we went to pray with him before we left for the night Lincoln opened his eyes for us to see for the first time. They stayed open for about 15 seconds before he got tuckered out and fell back asleep. He lets us know he hears us by moving his hands and feet when his mommy and daddy talk to him. Thank you everyone for your continued prayer, support and encouragement! We couldn't do this without you! Talk to you soon!

So sorry to hear things got worse after we left. What a great God to, in the midst of the discouragement, provide you little blessings of holding him and seeing his eyes open--a special little Father's Day gift. We continue to pray for Lincoln's health as well as your stamina to face each day.
David & Michelle
The Lord is my light and my salvation, what shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid...for in the times of trouble He shall set me up upon a rock!...wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart...wait for the Lord.
This is a song I learned long ago from a small church I attended as a child. It's a song adaptation of Psalm 27. It's what I sing at night when Satan attacks me and makes me fearful of what life holds. It reminds me that the LORD IS ABLE, just as you said. Nothing shall I fear.
Continuing to pray each time you enter my thoughts...
I love you guys and am so anxious to see Lincoln this weekend.
Auntie Heather
Your verse reminded me of the chorus, "We stand and lift up our hands, for the Joy of the Lord is our strength, we bow down and worship Him now, how great, how awesome is He and together we sing, Holy is the Lord God Almighty." Know that when discouragements come (and in the ups), we are lifting you in prayer. We are praying for Joy! We are praying God will do miracles in Lincoln's life. What a testimony you and Kristen are to so many. Isn't it good how God gives us precious gifts like your little one looking at you on Father's Day!
All through the Bible we see how God's glory is revealed through miracles. That is our prayer. That there will be no question that God's hand heals baby Lincoln and through this healing, His glory will be revealed. We also pray that God gives you both His strength and understanding. We love you guys and wish that we too could come to visit. I just want to give you guys a big hug right now, or maybe cook you something yummy...ha, ha. Let me know if you guys need anything.
love ya,
John, Sarah, Madison and Joel Young
Thank you all for your encouraging notes. Not only does it lift up Kristen and Josh, but others who read this site as well. They have helped me through my days trying to get through this and understand God's plan.
Thanks again, Auntie Heather
Hi, Kristen and Josh. You remain in our prayers often from the Roseville, CA area. Your description of praying with Lincoln and his eyes opening to you quickly brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful blessing!
May God continue to strengthen and encourage you as you face each new day with hope and joy in our great God. May He be merciful and gracious to cause Lincoln to thrive and grow stronger. May God inspire the medical team to know exactly what to do.
Your updates help us know exactly how to pray for you. You are surely bathed in prayer.
Judy P.
Although I don't know you (Josh & Kristen), I have been blessed over this past year to work with Grandma Frankie at ACS and I've been praying for you all for the past couple of weeks. I check on Lincoln's progress usually a couple of times a day and I just wanted you to know how much the Lord has laid your family on my heart. Today I asked that the Lord would give you strength and hope knowing that so many are getting on their knees to lift up little Lincoln to an awsome and gracious God who has all the answers. I've also been praying that the doctors would be guided by God's wisdom and that the entire medical staff would be filled with awe at what is obviously the healing hand of God.
The Lord bless you all,
Barbara Coffman
Hi Josh and Kristen,
"Just give me Jesus and I'll be all right. With Him I can make it walking beside. I know my tomorrows are safe in His Hands. Just give me Jesus, I know I can stand. So many distractions seem to cloud my way. All the cares of life surround me and lead my soul astray. When I cannot find the answers I know someone Who can, so in the middle of my questions I reach for His hand. When I take my eyes off Jesus and confusion starts to win, when worries overwhelm me and the battle reaches in, in that moment I remember whose I am; and when the enemy comes rushing, I reach for His Hand. We are servants of the King and our future is secure. A crown of life is waiting for all who will endure. When I stand before my Savior and He reaches out to me, I lay all my crowns before Him and fall to my knees."
I trust that the words of this song will encourage your hearts, Josh and Kristen as you go through this dark valley. I cannot even imagine all you are dealing with but I do know that our God is the God of all comfort and wants you to just lean into Him for your strength and rest. He has proven Himself faithful in my darkest days and nights and continues to do so as I trust Him.
It is special that you got to hold Lincoln for a moment, Kristen. What a joy that must have been. What a special gift from the Lord for him to open his little eyes for a few seconds as well.
Thanks for the precious pics of the family. I love each of you so very much and only wish I could be there with you.
I continue to pray more and more baby steps will be taken and that Lincoln's body will stabilize and the fever will go down.
Big hugs and blessings to all of you.
Love ya much,
Aunt Donna :-) Isa. 40:31
Josh and I are so encouraged by your 'Joy' in the Lord during this difficult time! We are praying constantly that He will continue to sustain you. We are praying that He will continue to sustain Lincoln and guide the doctors as they decide what the best course to take is.
Heather, I just wanted you to know we are praying for you also. It can be hard as extended family to not be there all the time, and not know what might be going on at that moment. We will pray for a peace for you while you can't be there.
Again, thanks Josh for keeping us all updated while you have so much going on. As many people have said, it helps us pray more specifically for Lincoln.
Proverbs 3:5-6 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.'
Love, Christine & Josh
Goodmorning Josh and Kristen,
I pray you had a good nights sleep. I'm so thankful yesterday was a better day for you both. Knowing that there will be good and bad days is half the battle. God WILL sustain you as you look to Him for your daily, or perhaps even, hourly needs. I'm thrilled that little Lincoln is doing well. Praise God! I will continue to pray that as they reduce his meds he will continue to do well.
I love his little face! Especially the one with his eyes open, so precious. I must say his receding hair line scares me a little bit Josh... Wow does he look like his daddy.
Praying that today, Tuesday, will be a wonderful day for you all.
Big Hugs,
What a gorgeous little boy you have! He looks an awful lot like his Daddy. From the beginning I have been praying for the Joy of the Lord to permeate your beings and that will continue to be my prayer. It seems that "baby steps" and "huge miracles" are constantly at the forefront of my prayers for Lincoln. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of what the Lord is doing for and through the three of you!
The Fullers
Hi Josh and Kristin,
We're praying big time for you all. Every Thursday morning I meet with my elders to pray through our list and little Lincoln has been on that list and will remain there too. Sorry we can't just drop in to visit but we think of you several times throughout the day.
George Posthumus
Hi Josh & Kristen...
This is Michael, Matthew & Terri King from LV!!
Oh my goodness.....You have such a beautiful boy! You are all in our prayers every single day ... Matthew "Magoo" sends big wet kisses to you all!!
I'm so happy you have a blog so that we can check several times a day!!!!!!
i pray with anticipation for all three of you and aunt vicky and uncle robbie, as you walk, day by day, with the knowledge that our Daddy KNOWS! thank you for taking time to allow all of us to be part of your lives through this journey that you are taking. little lincoln is so blessed to be a carter. its hard for me to be so far away during this time, even though we haven't seen you for years. but our "toddler bond" was strong, and it keeps me on my knees for all of you!
Just wanted to say the SA team and I are praying for you guys.
Love you all.
Jannah & SA Well Team
May God fill and bless you with the comfort and joy that only He can give. All life is so precious and we continue to pray for all of you.
Jan and ESA/Love INC
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