Well soon after we put up the last update they went ahead and decided that he was ready. At 8:37 pm last nigh Lincoln too his own breaths since minute two of being born! Last night was filled with anxiety since it was new to him and sometimes the effort in figuring it out can tire them to the point of not wanting to breath anymore. But he did awesome! It took some gasping for a while...but he settled right down and was doin it...we could finally hear his little voice crackle as he cried. They are moving Lincoln back down to the NICU for the remainder of his care. There are a few BIG prayer requests to pray for! 1 - Lincoln's oxygen level in his blood is too high (around 92-94%). This means that he is getting to much blood flow to the lungs. Over a short time this could cause him to build fluid in his lungs...the condition is called Pulmonary Adema. This is bad! The reason this is happening is that the pulmonary band probably isn't tight enough. They are going to give him a few different medications to help with the issue but it won't correct it. The Dr's said that as he gets bigger his vessels get bigger and the band stays the same causing better restriction. This would be great, but how long can we really wait? The high pressures could also go down as he adjusts to breathing and things kinda balance out. For now, we pray that they just go down (we want them to be between 75-85%)! 2 - The drainage from his chest tubes as a result of his Chylothorax has increased a bit. They will now give him a medication to help heal the damaged thoracic duct. Pray that the healing goes fast and that his chest tube can come out ASAP. We also want him to begin feeding him again soon...lack of ingested food keeps his gut from being stimulated. That is very hard on his liver and can damage it. So pray that the Chylothorax heals quickly! Well for now, other than those two issues, Lincoln is doing great. Continue to lift him before the Father. Pray that his little life is a testament to everyone there of God's Greatness & Love. Talk to you all soon...we love you! J&K
Looks like this is a huge hurdle just crossed. God is Good! Without that tube, he looks like a spittin' image of you Josh. Looks like still a long road ahead, but praise God, he can sustain himself now.
Don't have time to write much but just had to see how he was doin'. Praise God. He has a cute little mouth! That profile shot looks a lot like you, Josh. The pictures of you guys with him look great. I can notice a difference in your faces. You're lookin' good. We will continue to pray that he does well on his own, as well as for the other requests you mentioned. Thanks for keeping us updated. What a blessing to cross this milestone.
Much love,
David & Michelle
Thanks Josh for the update!
I know it takes a lot of time to explain everything...but it really helps us all who are praying to pray more specifically.
Praise God for His miracles in Lincoln's life so far! The fact that he is breathing on his own is absolutely amazing!
I know you all must be having a huge impact on everyone at UCLA. Praying that lives will be changed because of Jesus, as a result of Lincoln's little life.
He's gorgeous! What a gift! What a blessing!
I continue to be in awe of what GOD is doing in all your lives...............what a great birthday present to have my little boy breathing on his own.Can't wait to see you all this weekend. We love you sooooooooooooooooo much!!!!Tell Lincoln Nana's coming:) Love Mom
hey! tell Linc i am coming too. tell him also i do the driving and the singing. we will begin to memorize "You are my sonshine" and "I LOVE YOU a bushel and a peck"
LOVE papa
Hooray! Congratulations Lincoln! What an awesome update! It is so good to read these updates and pray right alongside you for him. Love you both lots and am astonished to see how much Lincoln already looks like his daddio. ;) Hope to see you soon!
My little Kyle loves to get on here and look at "baby Lincoln." He looks so good without the extra tubes! The new pictures are so wonderful and what a blessing to hear all that is taking place.
We'll be praying for the new requests!
Amber and family
"To God be the glory, great things he has done!" I woke up this morning singing this hymn. What an awesome God.
I am so excited for you guys. It really sounds like Lincoln is making great forward steps. I only wish we could hear his little voice. Thankfully we get to see his precious pictures. What a handsome little guy.
We love you guys and wish we could be there.
Remind me to tell you the story about the magazine I sent with Ginger and Aaron. I went on a wild goose chase to find one that wasn't missing pages. Sorry about that.
love ya,
sarah, john, madison and joel
On Saturday, along with all the prayer requests you listed, I was specifically praying for Lincoln to be extubated soon so that you guys could kiss his sweet little lips and he could give you "french kisses" in return :). As I prayed, "soon" to me meant in the next couple weeks. I was so thrilled to hear he was breathing on his own within 3 days! I realize that maybe I wasn't praying with enough faith. I am so thankful that God answered with a "yes" within 3 days rather than a couple weeks. God is huge, bigger than I give Him credit for at times. I have now been challenged to pray even bigger for your family.
Love you guys!
Wonderful news. We are really glad that he is breathing on his own. May God continue to hold and guide each of you.
Jan and ESA/Love INC
Wow! What wonderful news that Lincoln is breathing on his own! I am crying tears of joy as I realize how God continues to answer the prayers of His people around the world! It is truly amazing!
It was neat to come home to this news as we just prayed for Lincoln at my Bible Study. The ladies are so glad to hear how God is working.
The photos are soooooo precious of each of you and it is so good to see your smiles! I trust God for many more special times as you continue this journey with Him at your side.
I will pray for the other issues with the little band and oxygen levels as well. I know that God is using you in the lives of many at the hospital and His name is being glorified. Keep on keeping on in the Lord.
Remember that you are all special to me and to the Lord. God bless.
Love ya much,
Aunt Donna :-) Eph. 3:20
So happy to hear that Lincoln is progressing day by day. We continue to look to this site so we can pray effectively. Thanks for doing such a good job of keeping us informed. God is amazing....all the time!!! We will continue to pray for strength and healing for Lincoln and peace and rest for you. Blessings, Roger & Jocie
Hey guys,
That is wonderful to see the tube out in his pictures! I know that most people see Josh in him, but growing up with the York family, I totally see Frankie and Dave (Nana & Papa)!
Josh & I will pray that Lincoln will be able to hold off on surgery as his heart grows bigger and stronger. I check the site each morning and night, and several times in between. Thanks for the updates!
Chris & Josh
God is so good! Lincoln looks so strong and so happy to be free of his tube. He is such a handsome little guy. I agree with Michelle, you guys do look good and you can actually see some relief in your smiles and a little more sparkle in your eyes. Thanks so much for keeping us all updated via this blog. We check it several times a day and love to see how God is working. We love you guys and will continue to lift you all up in prayer.
Love, Melissa
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Our God is so amazing and He faithfully answers prayers...according to his will! Last night at bed time we sang "God Is So Good" (second verse "He answers prayer) I remember hearing that you sang that to Elijah a lot and thought of how God is good ALL OF THE TIME! So happy for you!
This morning when Ethan and I looked at the pictures on the blogsite he said to me,"I have a owie on myself too!" Then he said, "Where baby Lincoln live?" He just loves that little boy!
Anyway, happy to hear things are progressing. We love you guys!
Danielle, Mike, Ethan and Ellie
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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