Its good to be home...we think?? The weather of course it nastsy. If it isn't challenging enough bringing a child home with special needs...how about bringing one home to a broken down air conditioning unit. That's right...no air for 2 more days...but we are managing. Our jouney home was adventurous...Lincoln did great. Lincoln is doing good...adjusting to the heat. We have our first appointment with his cardiologist here at Children's Hospital tomorrow. It's their turn now to monitor Lincoln and determine when he needs his 2nd surgery. A huge thanks to all of you who have been praying and supporting us...we could not do this or continue to do this with out you....don't stop! A big thanks goes out to Ed & Jean Hayes for hosting us at their house...with out them we don't know what we would of done. A lot of you have asked if we are going to keep the blog going. The answer is yes! We will update two or three times a week or as often as we can get to it when we are not to busy taking care of Lincoln. The idea was to have this going as he grows so all of you at home tracking his journey can watch as he goes through all of his surgeries. We will update ASAP....we love you all! J&K
PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!
What a fabulous picture of your family! You ALL look amazing! To God be the GLORY!
We are so happy you guys are home together, finally. What a blessing it must be to have Lincoln in your arms in your own home...air or no air!
We will continue to pray!
Much love from the Posthumus Home!
You are welcome to stay at our air conditioned home any time. For a few days or simply for a few hours. Our home is yours!
Kris & Josh,
It is so neat to see you guys in front of your house with Lincoln! Nobody here on earth knew what was in store for all of you five weeks ago, but it is amazing to see how quickly he got healthy enough to go home (even though I'm sure it didn't feel quick to you)! What an answer to prayer. Of course we will keep you in our prayers! I know you will be busy for weeks or months to come, so as many have said, feel free to e-mail or call whenever you are ready. I wish I lived close, so I could just bring you a meal and quickly see him and you guys. But someday down the road when things have settled we'll come and see you guys. Keep trusting in the Lord!
Love, Christine and Josh
Welcome Home!
We look forward to seeing all of you some time.
Jan and the ESA/Love INC Family
Welcome Home!
We look forward to seeing all of you some time.
Jan and the ESA/Love INC Family
What a great family picture. Prais God for all his miracles. How nice to have a family picture outisde instead of in a hospital room. Lincoln looks rather long. Is he following his big brother??? Will continue to pray as you adjust to your new routine.
Love ya
Josh & Kristin,
We are so happy to see you at home!What a wonderful gift God has given you in Lincoln. Love your family picture! Thanks for keeping us all so well informed throughout everything. We continue to pray for you daily as you trust God for Lincoln's future. Blessings! Jocie
What a wonderful picture...just as wonderful as you have dreamed, I'm sure...to bring your new son home to his nursery..to get to see him sleep in his bed...to watch his sweet face as he sleeps...all the blessings we, who have our babies go home righ away, can sometimes take for granted!
Blessings be yours on this new journey. You can count on me to be one those who keeps up and continues to pray as this special little boy grows and gets stronger.
To God be the Glory!
Amber and family
I love seeing you all at home with Lincoln. Know we are continuing to pray - I know we have never "met" but we feel as though we know you - ties through Christ! We are good friends of Josh and Christine so that has been nice to get to know you through them. Thank you for taking the time to blog - I know that you are blogging to keep people up to date, but you are also testifying to the GREATNESS of our God - showing your continued reliance on Him and sharing with everyone how Great our God really is - what a testimony - thank you for being a witness to what God can and will do!
We are praying!
Stephanie and Jeremy Writebol
I'm happy Lincoln came home with you. He is so cute. I hope we can come and see Lincoln soon. I hope you guys are really happy to have him home with you. I hope you guys can come to people's houses so we can see Lincoln. He is very little and cute. I hope we can see you soon. Hope you guys can drive around with him in your car and go to stores soon.
I love Lincoln. He is cute. I hope we get to see him someday. He is so cool. I'm praying for Lincoln and I'm praying that you guys would be good doctors and know what to do for him.
I love Lincoln. I hope we can come see him all the time and come to his house. We want to play with you at church when you are bigger. I like you.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
We just got home from vacation, and I could hardly wait to see how Lincoln was doing. What an amazing week . . .he is home!
Praise God!
You will continue to be in our prayers as you care for Lincoln. Thanks for keeping the information on this blog up-to-date. It is great to have specifics to daily be praying for Lincoln and his dad and mom!
Much love,
Albert, Laura, & Annika Pando
We sure hope your air conditioner is working today!
May God continue to strengthen all of you!
Love, Jan and ESA/Love INC family
How are things you guys? I still come here everyday, just in case there is news. I think about you often, and we pray for you every single day. My son Kyle never forgets at dinner to pray for "baby Lincoln!" When are you coming to visit Auntie Heather and Cousin Syd? I hope it's soon (provided it's healthy for the little guy OF COURSE ;-) so we can see you all.
Amber Ferry and family
Hi Josh and Kristen,
Just finished having a nice visit with Georgia by phone and it was good to hear things are going so well for each of you and for little Lincoln. She indicated that Lincoln was up to 7 lbs 1 oz at his check up this week which was up from 6 lbs 13 oz last week. It was interesting to hear that the doctors want him to slow down in his weight gain for is heart so I will be praying he gains just the right amount. Will also be praying that he will be able to finish his entire 54 ccs of formula every 3 hrs so he does not need to use the NG tube to finish. It was such good news to hear that he should be able to wait until he is 6 months instead of 3-4 months old for his next open heart surgery! The miracle of the Lord continues to amaze me and I am sure it does you also.
I trust that the air conditioning is functioning well with temps soaring to 115 at times. I thought it was hot at 106 in Eugene last Sunday! I pray you are getting enough rest with feedings every 3 hours.
Look forward to a short update from you soon and perhaps some new photos. I'm sure Lincoln has changed a lot. Of course, Great Grandma Georgia thinks he is adorable! :-)
I will update those on my email who have been praying so they know how to continue praying. They will be excited about all God is doing.
God bless each of you as you just enjoy your precious little one. Give Lincoln a big hug from aunt donna and keep one for yourselves as well.
Love ya much,
aunt donna :-) Isa. 40:31
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