Lincoln is hanging in there...they are increasing his food every 9 hours until he can get a full bottles worth. That should take a few days. We still have not seen any evidence that the Chylothorax hasn't healed...there is still no "milky" drainage from his chest tubes...Praise the Lord! Continue to pray for that as they increase his food because it could still show up. Some of you have been asking how Lincoln's heart has been doing. Lincoln's heart is doing great. His cardiac function (which means the strength, pace & mechanics of his heart) is good. However, the pulmonary artery band Dr. Plunkett put on might not be tight enough still. We determine this by how much blood flow goes to the lungs, water on the lungs (adema), saturation levels (oxygen in the blood) and perfusion (blood circulation throughout the body). Lincoln's chest x-ray has been a little cloudy which means there is a little water on his lungs. His saturation levels have been around 90%. They want it between 75-85%. However, if he continues to look and sound good and has good blood gases the Dr's are willing to accept his high saturation levels. If he continues to tolerate it they probably wont have to go back in to adjust the band...but there is still a lot of variables in the future that could affect that...like eating a full meal, chest tube removal, switching from IV meds to oral meds. His levels have to remain the same or get better as he transitions through these steps for him to stay away from the OR to fix the band. Lincoln is still infection free...another HUGE praise! Please continue to pray against infection. For all of you who care about the little, fun & gross things...Lincoln is pooping great. He has figured out how to burp after a meal. He likes back rubs, baths and He loves to eat! Well, that's all for now...Thanks for all your continued prayers...We love you all! J&K
How wonderful to continue to hear such good reports - GOD is SO GOOD! Lincoln is so cute and from the sound of things he's such a ......"boy!" What a wonderful blessing he is doing so well and we will continue to keep him in our prayers as he faces each additional hurdle. Josh & Kristen, we will continue to pray for you guys - I'm sure you will be go glad when Lincoln is strong enough to come home! We look forward to that day! We love all of you.
Vera Jean & Curtis
How wonderful to continue to hear such good reports - GOD is SO GOOD! Lincoln is so cute and from the sound of things he's such a ......"boy!" What a wonderful blessing he is doing so well and we will continue to keep him in our prayers as he faces each additional hurdle. Josh & Kristen, we will continue to pray for you guys - I'm sure you will be go glad when Lincoln is strong enough to come home! We look forward to that day! We love all of you.
Vera Jean & Curtis
Hey guys, we've been out of town for the last couple weeks and have been unable to check up on you three and it's been killing us! It has been a joy to go back and read through the blog and praise God for each step precious little Lincoln has made. God is so good! Thank you for allowing us to peek into your lives during this time and watch God at work in your family. You have a beautiful boy!We love you guys and continue to pray for you all.
The Duecks
Josh and Kristen,
Praise the Lord for all the miracles He is doing. Lincoln is looking so good. We love you three so much and are so excited to see all the progress that seems to be occuring everyday. All Glory to God. See you soon.
The Doswalds
It's so exciting to see God's answers to our prayers! We will continue to pray in hopes that he will get to go home to Fresno as soon as possible, but we also know he is getting great care there! Did your insurance ever approve that one bill, or is it still pending? We will continue to pray for strength for the two of you, and the rest of the family as well. Thanks for the updates!
Love, Christine & Josh
Hi All, I am so thankful that Lincoln is doing so well. I check regularly on him but now I'm going to go on vacation for 10 days so I won't be able to check or leave messages but I will be praying for you.
God Bless and continue to help all of you,
Jan Fayle from the ESA/Love INC family
Hi Guys,
Lincoln just keeps looking better and better. I'm wondering if he has gained weight because he sure looks healthy. Glad the poops are going O.K. Dan says that we eventually work our way back to infancy as we get older because as we age these things get rather important again. I know, he's kinda gross. Back rubs and baths, he's such the little tactile boy. We're praying that things just keep progressing as they have been. Hope your spirits are good. Waiting is one of the most difficult things to learn to do. If it makes you feel any better it's been pretty hot and miserable back here in Fresno anyway, but we are looking forward to seeing you hopefully soon.
Love, Lynette (for the Booye's)
We have been out of town and not in computer access this week. We were soooooooooo blessed and rejoicing with you in the great strides and HUGELY answered prayers! Know that we are continue to pray! God is so good and to see His hand at work and Him caring for Lincoln is such a blessing! With much prayer!
Stephanie and Jeremy Writebol
Just wanted to share with you Rylie's cute prayer at bedtime tonight: "Sank you for Lincoln that he doesn't have a tube in his "mouf" and that he will get Kwisten's milk soon...Amen."
Dear Josh and Kristen,
Thanks for sharing the fun things that Lincoln is doing! Really good to hear all of what he is adapting to for such a little guy. I'm sure he is anxious to be able to down a full bottle of formula and just keep on doing it on a regular schedule. I continue to pray no infections will occur and that the little band will not have to be tightened. I pray the doctors will have much wisdom in each decision being made.
Thanks sooooooooooooooo much for posting pics of Vicki, Rob and Georgia! They look great and so very pleased with Lincoln. It made me cry as I would love to just be there and give everyone big hugs. Please hug them for me and give them my love. I have been printing pics of you and Lincoln so I can look at them often and pray. I will now print these new ones as they are very special.
Keep the good news coming and I know God's miracle is going to keep on coming in His time and His way. God's blessings on all of you.
Love in Him,
aunt donna :-) Psalm 23
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