Hey Everyone! This is Lincoln Michael Carter's blog site. We are excited to be able to keep eveyone who is supporting him up to date with his current situation and with pictures. We covet all of your prayers as Lincoln is healing from his heart transplant!
Love that second picture. He looks so alert and so darn cute. Thanks so much for all the pictures. So glad to hear he's at full feeds but will continue to pray for more strength to finish that bottle on his own. Glad his chest tube came out easily and he's off the IV!!! Will continue to lift Lincoln up in prayer as well as you guys cuz I bet the monotony can be so draining. Love ya
I am so overwhelmed with how well Lincoln is doing. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!!!
What a handsome little guy you have. I am so happy for you guys and Lincoln with all the progress he has made in only a short time. He is gonna be a heart breaker!!! Watch out girls!!! Love you guys so much and are lifting you to the Father as often as possible.
Lincoln is truly fearfully and wonderfully made!!!
Glad to hear our little fighter has gotten off the last tube! Yea!! PTL :-) Also, as usual, your pictures are so superb. And of course he eats well from mommy...I bet he loves the smell and comfort she prvoides. And I can tell she loves the same from him ;-)
We will continue to pray for your prayer requests...especially that Lincoln gets to keep all the tubes out.
Love from
Amber and family
Praise God for Lincoln's steady progress this past month! There have ben setbacks, but God's grace and mercy have seen you all through. It sure looks like Lincoln wants to GO HOME WITH MOMMY & DADDY!! How precious to see the excellent pictures and his precious, sweet face! (Josh I hate to tell you this, but your son has more hair than you do!) :) We love you all and have been praying unceasingly; as are many members of our body. God bless you all (Numbers 6:24-26) Marty & Norm
Hey you Guys!
How are you two doing???? Kristen sure looked content in that first picture with a sweet face just like her little boy!
What a blessing to hear Lincoln is drinking a whole bottle now, (at least when his mommy feeds him!) He's seems to be not taking baby steps but rather big "toddler" steps forward. We're all so pleased and thankful.
I thought Santa Claus came to visit Lincoln for a minute there... :-) sorry Wayne! (Just kidding--couldn't help myself.)
It's so exciting to think he might be coming home soon! Unbelieveable.
Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace.
Love you all so much!
Sounds like Lincoln might be a mama's boy by the way he feeds. Look out Josh, you might be fightin' for attention. The pictures are great, Wayne will toughen Lincoln up real quick...but then we all know men that look like that really have a soft, sensitive inside. Please send Lincoln hugs and kisses from me. Tell him I will see him VERY SOON at his home in Fresno. (sorry Linc, the whole world isn't as lovely as downtown LA, Fresno's kinda hot)
Josh, Kristen, & Lincoln,
I can hardly stand those pictures. So cute! I am so happy that you and Kristen are able to hold him now. I have a feeling he'll be a spoiled little boy. Oh Well! Anyway, don't forget your cadence from Auntie Danielle, Lincoln...
Lincoln Michael Oh So Fair,
Sportin' A Look With Spikey Hair,
Feisty Guy Who's Always Winkin'
Oh We Love Our Baby Lincoln!
Looking forward to seeing you all in Fresno very soon!!!!
P.S. Josh, find out who wrote that last "truly" anonymous letter...could it be Uncle Sam?
By the way...Lincoln has more hair than our Ellie who's 11 1/2 months old...what's up with that...why do all the boys get the thick, grown in hair?
I hope Lincoln feels better soon and comes home with you soon. My favorite picture was when Lincoln had the animals with him (1 month old post). I'm praying that Lincoln would drink all his milk.
I pray that Lincoln would drink all his milk. I hope he's doing good. The pictures look cute. He looks very cute in his hat. I hope he can go home soon with you so you can have him at home with you. I'm glad he's doing so good with his heart surgery. We miss you.
We are glad to see Lincoln doing so well. We have been praying much for all of you.
What a cute little guy Lincoln is...and what a great GOD we have..we praise the Lord for all of his progress. It is so great to see all the smiles on Mommy and Daddy's faces! Luv, Dottie
Josh and Kristen, I am sooooo happy to be able to see Lincoln's progress. He looks so good, and soooo cute! We continue to keep all of you in our prayers, and to pray for all the specific needs daily. When we are online at home, Alana loves to see the new pictures of Lincoln. She knows who we are praying for at bedtime, and when I say,.."and God Bless Baby Lincoln", she says, "No, God Bless Baby Superman!" She knows "him is sickie" and God will make him better.
God must be listening especially to the prayers of these purest little souls among us, cause Lincoln's progressing so well! We look forward to seeing you back in Fresno and meeting the little Hero!
Angela, Alan, and Alana
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