Yesterday was a great day for feeding. They decided instead of giving him low fat formula to see if the chylothorax is healed, they would first stimulate his gut by giving him some Pedialyte. This does not have any fat in it so it wouldn't leak from the lymphatic system. There is 3 reasons they did this: 1 - Simulate his gut and get it ready for food. 2 - Give him one more day of healing before introducing fat into the lyphatic system. 3 - they were thinking they would have to give his formula by NG (nasogasteric) tube through the nose down into the stomach....but maybe if he could drink the Pedialyte by bottle and swallow it he would be able to do the same with the formula and not have to have the NG tube. Well, when the nurses gave Kristen the bottle with a few cc's of Pedialyte...Lincoln took it into his mouth, sucked on the bottle and guzzled it down! No Prob! So that was a huge success for being 3 weeks old yesterday and never have had any thing to eat. So the plan today is to give him the formula and watch and wait to see if any thing comes out of his chest tubes. So pray for another big miracle today...no drainage! He also had a lot of family come to visit him so he was exhausted....these are some pics we took after everybody had left..."I'm tired now...I think I'll sleep".
What good news! We have been praying hard over the weekend that Lincoln's thoracic duct would be healed. Will keep praying as they introduce formula. What a blessing that Kristen was able to give him a bottle and he did so well. He is making so many steps forward and we are so thankful to God for all these blessings. At VBS last week, the kids made a prayer box. On one of Alyssa's prayer cards, she wrote down "Linken"--very cute. He's such a part of our family's prayer life. The kids are excited to hear how he's doing and love to see the pictures. Take care!
Love ya,
Happy 4th guys!
Just checking in on you all!
Lincoln looks fabulous...
and so do you by the way!! Hopefully soon he'll be getting "mommy milk!"
We think of you often... We can sooo relate to the whole hospital deal ~ while life goes on around you, yours just stands still in the hospital setting .... Mike and I used to always say that our life felt like the movie "Groundhog Day." The same day over and over and over.... It was especially weird going home after almost 3 months at Stanford and all our calendars were on the month three months prior.... it was like time just stood still... the twilight zone... ooooyeeeoooohhhhhh
Anyhoo... we love you and hope to talk to you soon.
Mike, Terri and Magoo
Oohhhh... Those have to be my three favorite photos so far. Lincoln's adorable and looks so content despite all that he's been through. What a blessing to know that God has had his hand with Lincoln to get him through each and every obstacle and an even bigger blessing that when he is older, he wont have any remembrance of any pain that he's had. That's what these pictures brought to my mind. God is so good. Thank you sooo much for your continued efforts of letting all of us know day to day how everything is going. What wonderful friends and family you both have to hold on to when you need it.
Lots of love,
Josh and Kristen,
What a great report on Lincoln being able to drink from a bottle and have his Mommy give it to him. I am sure that was a precious moment for you, Kristen. I pray that very soon you will be able to hold him and give him your milk and just cuddle him. God is doing an amazing work in your little one and I know He will continue to do so. So much prayer is going up for all of you all over the world and God is answering step by step.
I trust that you will get some much needed rest tonight. I am glad you had friends and family there to visit today and encourage you. God bless.
Love ya much,
aunt donna :-) Eph. 3:20
Lincoln is growing and is so gorgeous thinking of you guys we check the blog everyday to keep updated love ya Travis and Elizabeth
Hi Guys,
Lincoln was sooooooooooo precious this morning when I checked the blog for the FOURTH TIME...okay, I'm obsessed. It's just that I think about him and you guys so often and wonder what is going on. Thank you so much, Josh and Kristen, for allowing all of us to be apart of your lives through this blog. What a blessing it is to be able to get the updates regularly and know the next one will come shortly.
Lincoln is doing SO well and we give ALL the glory to God. What a mighty God we serve!! So excited for you Kristen being able to feed your son a bottle. Each day is gift from God.
We are all so anxious to see his little face! Continuing to pray!
Love Linda
That's Wonderful! so today we pray no leakage!!!!!
Have a great independence week!
Love Jan & ESA/Love INC
Baby steps! What a blessing to see the peace that surpasses all understanding on little Lincolns face. He is so precious!
We, too are blessed by your dedication to keep us up to date on his progress. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives. You are a blessing!
Praise the LORD, His love endures forever! Praise the LORD!
Love and Hugs,
The Lockshaw Family
(San Diego, CA)
Lincoln, you are looking good! Josh and Kristen, it sounds like you guys are hanging in there and doing a great job being parents. We will pray that you will get to hold him soon and that his body will get stronger.
Thanks for doing this blog! It is nice to be able to come see the pictures and read of the progress of this precious little one. Keep trusting God for everything.
Dear Josh & Kristen,
We are so excited to see the great progress Lincoln is making. Praise the Lord for the hurdles he is crossing every day. He really looks so good in the latest pictures. We will continue to pray daily for this precious little one. Know that you are in our thoughts often and are being lifted up by many.
Melissa (& Randy too)
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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