Hey Everyone! This is Lincoln Michael Carter's blog site. We are excited to be able to keep eveyone who is supporting him up to date with his current situation and with pictures. We covet all of your prayers as Lincoln is healing from his heart transplant!
Hello Carters...
It's the Kings... We are thrilled for you! I sooo remember those first days home w/ Matthew after 6 months in the ICU's.. It was quite overwhelming... especially going to all those Dr appointments... we had 15 the first month home!
It was a year ago yesterday that Matthew had his first open heart surgery.. What a year... and he's doing soooo great now. You'd never know by looking at him that he had any heart defect! I know that in one year... Lincoln is going to be a fat happy little guys trying to crawl around like Matthew.... Matthew is still trying to crawl... he'll get there!
There is soo much hope! I thank God every day for the prayers we received. They are working!!
Mike Terri and Magoo
So happy to hear an update! Wonderful to hear that things are going well for you all. Love the pics. Blessings! Roger & Jocie :)
What joy to see you all doing so well. The pictures of Lincoln are adorable and you can see in everyone pictured with him that he brings such joy! We are continuing to pray! God is so good!
Hi Josh and Kristen,
Thanks for the wonderful update on Lincoln's adapting to home with mommy and daddy! He is sooooooo adorable and has really grown since last pics. I will continue to pray he learns to drink all of his formula and that he will not be constipated as I do not want him to be in any pain.
Good to hear that he is sleeping well at night and trust that you are as well. Sounds like he has you both in the palm of his hands as far as being held! It's amazing how young they can get spoiled but I am sure you want to hold him as much as possible with all you and he have gone through.
Glad you took him to Target instead of Nordstroms since he liked it so much! ;-) Hope that continues through his life!
Thanks for posting the picture of you, Josh, with your Dad and Grampa Frank. I had not seen a picture of Frank in many years. I am glad that he was able to hold Lincoln.
Thanks again for sharing with all of us as I know it is a busy time for you. I will pass this update on to those praying and I know they will be glad to hear the latest news. God's blessings to each of you.
Hugs and love,
aunt donna :-) Prov. 3:5-6
Hi Josh and Kristen,
Thanks for the wonderful update on Lincoln's adapting to home with mommy and daddy! God's miracle continues step by step and it has been so exciting to see Lincoln's progress. I know that he has touched many lives in his short life and know God has been glorified. He is sooooooo adorable and has really grown since last pics. I will continue to pray he learns to drink all of his formula and that he will not be constipated as I do not want him to be in any pain.
Good to hear that he is sleeping well at night and trust that you are as well. Sounds like he has you both in the palm of his hands as far as being held! It's amazing how young they can get spoiled but I am sure you want to hold him as much as possible with all you and he have gone through.
Glad you took him to Target instead of Nordstroms since he liked it so much! ;-) Hope that continues through his life!
Thanks for posting the picture of you, Josh, with your Dad and Grampa Frank. I had not seen a picture of Frank in many years. I am glad that he was able to hold Lincoln.
Thanks again for sharing with all of us as I know it is a busy time for you. I will pass this update on to those praying and I know they will be glad to hear the latest news. God's blessings to each of you.
Hugs and love,
aunt donna :-) Prov. 3:5-6
Thanks for the update. It was great to hear from you. We will continue to pray for all of you. Tell Grandpa Rob to give us a call at ESA so we can pray with him too!
Love Jan and ESA
I'm so glad to hear that things are going well. I had been anxiously awaiting an update so I was so happy to read this news today. How wonderful that Lincoln may get to wait up to 6 months for his next surgery! It is great to see the pictures of Lincoln with all his visitors. We hope to come and see you guys really soon and have our picture taken with that cute little guy of yours. We will continue to pray for you guys everyday. Love you lots!
Such great pictures and such great news! Lincoln looks so cute and so healthy. I'm sure things are difficult...it's hard to have someone depend on you so wholly...we'll be praying for Lincon's strength as well as yours...take care
Blessings and love
Amber Ferry and family
There are no words that could describe witnessing a mommy rock her baby in her arms and seeing the expression of joy in her face. It was sweet satisfaction to visit you and hold him as well. We look forward to many family gatherings with Lincoln...and Sydney looks forward to changing his diaper. She's a pro now!
Jill has been keeping me up to date on the latest info and we couldn't me more pleased with how wonderfully Lincoln is doing. He is proof that God is still in the business of miracles. Glad to hear the three of you are getting out on occasion. It can seem overwhelming at times to get out with an infant, I can only imaging that his special circumstances make it that much more so. Keep doing it, though. It is so good for all of you to return to as much normalcy as possible. The girls and I still pray for "baby Lincoln" every night at bedtime! We trust that you guys can feel the power of all the prayers being lifted for you. Looking forward to more updates.
The Fullers
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