Yesterday Lincoln got his bandage taken off of his chest. Now you can see his "war wound" scar he will be proud to show as a boy. They even spiked his hair when he got his bath. His nurse did a trial run with a pacifier. Infants who often go into surgery right after they are born loose their "suck & swallow" technique because they are not eating right away and have to be taught again. Lincoln obviously knows what he is doing since he grabbed a hold of it and went to town! Well, the plan today is the same...keep him comfortable, stable, watch his heart, keep his lungs dry, no pain from his chest tubes, no infections, good blood gases, and WAIT for the chylothorax to heal. Please pray for those things and for us! Also pray for one specific bill as our insurance has threatened to not cover it. Thanks again for you faithfulness and love! We will talk to you soon. J&K