Hey Everyone! This is Lincoln Michael Carter's blog site. We are excited to be able to keep eveyone who is supporting him up to date with his current situation and with pictures. We covet all of your prayers as Lincoln is healing from his heart transplant!
WOW! It just gets more heart wrenching each time we come here to read. Still praying that the Lord provides for your needs. If I could reach through this monitor to HUG you I WOULD....such a witness you are to all of us and to the many lives you touch through Lincoln's life.
May God carry you in the roughest times...We'll be praying unceasingly...
Love you all
Amber and family
As always, you guys are in our prayers and let me tell you that it is amazing to see the strength and faith that God has given you during this time. It is such a testimony to Christine and I.
Hi Josh and Kristen,
Just a quick note from work to let you know you and Lincoln continue to be in my prayers continually and the prayers of many others as I give them the updates.
I pray a new heart comes quickly for Lincoln and that he will be stable and ready at that time. I know God's timing is perfect and that He has just the right heart for him.
Had a nice phone visit with Georgia the other night and enjoyed little stories about Lincoln. She is anxious to come see you all.
God's blessings to each of you and your families. You are special to me and to Jesus.
Love ya much,
aunt donna :-) Phil. 4:13,19
May God give you His peace with His timing!
May God bless you and hold you today.
Jan & ESA/Love INC
He is just so stinkin cute!
I love the Halloween costume...
he's just darling!!
I wish we could come and hug him and kiss him ...
We think of you often and check your blog pretty much every single day.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.... I couldn't imagine what you're going thru...
The Kings ~ Las Vegas
We are continuing to pray - for your strength and for Lincoln's! Your testimony is amazing and a daily challenge to me to trust and depend on Christ in all things! May God be your strength, provider, comforter!
Missing you all so much and praying that Lincoln gets his new heart soon. I did another post about Lincoln on my blog and I know that some other people across the country are also praying for him now too! May the Lord continue to give you guys strength as you wait and courage as you encounter moments of difficulty. We love you all and can't wait to see you again.
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