Hey Everyone! This is Lincoln Michael Carter's blog site. We are excited to be able to keep eveyone who is supporting him up to date with his current situation and with pictures. We covet all of your prayers as Lincoln is healing from his heart transplant!
Oh you guys!
He is just such a little love bug... I love him! It is nice to see John & Julie!!
We are certainly praying for you guys ... I just can't imagine what you're going thru...
he's just so dang cute... I am praying for little Lincoln to stay healthy.... and for him to be blessed with a new heart.
We love you and think of you all day.
Mike, Terri & Magoo King ~ Las Vegas
He is just so cute! Know that we are continuing to pray for strength for you both and for Lincoln. Thank you for your continued testimony and sharing with us so we can specfically pray - - - I know you have to be drained emotionally - and we are praying that in the midst of everything God will be the strength of your heart and give you joy with Lincoln.
Just as everyone has said, I can't imagine what you guys are going through!! I know that I, nor any of us, can be sure why all this is happening, but I do know you are doing exactly what you should by giving God all the praise and glory for what He is doing. It is a tremendous testimony to all of us to see your faith growing and not shrinking in the midst of a very difficult time. It constantly reminds Josh and I what really matters in life, and how many little things we concern ourselves with that we shouldn't.
We are praying continually for you guys and little Lincoln (who's not so little anymore). He's just so cute!! When I see the pictures of him and you guys, I wish we could come down and visit! I would love to be there to hug you all.
Love, Christine
Hey guys! Love the pictures!!! Thanks for the update. I've been wanting to give you a call, but I never know when is a good time. Mornings, day time, evening? I know it is kind of hit and miss. I miss you guys so much. We want so badly to come out and see you. We'll have to see if we can figure something out.
Ashley is still doing well. She got a little bit sick from her last strong chemo, but she's staying healthy over all. It has been an answer to prayer that even with her counts being low and other family members having colds, she hasn't gotten sick and hospitalized. Praise the Lord.
We love you guys. You are in our thoughts and prayers always.
love ya,
sarah....john, madison and joel
Hey Guys!!!!
He is looking great. We’ll pray he doesn’t backslide, but keeps moving forward everyday. He are just praying that a healthy heart comes before his need for another surgery. God knows the plans He has for you. We think a lot about your family. Glad you got put down in a lower level unit. That’s a great sign I bet!! Hang in There!!!!
I just want to say Amen to what Christine said
Hey Guys,
We miss you and Lincoln a lot. I hope you guys are getting some rest. We can't wait to visit again. We pray for Lincoln all the time. We love you guys!
Sam & Michelle
Like a previous poster said, we too wish we could be there to hug & squeeze that cute little guy in person. Know that you are in our prayers and in our hearts. We will pray specifically that Lincoln will be good and healthy when a heart becomes available. Praying that we will be able to see you all soon.
Hey there Josh and Kristen,
Just a quick note from work letting you know I am praying for each of you in this time of stress and waiting. It is difficult to understand all of what is happening but I have to trust that our Awesome God is in control and that He will continue His miracle in Lincoln's little life.
Lincoln is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing the great photos of him and each of the family. Lincoln reminds me of you, Josh, when you were a little baby. He is very long like you were and of course adorble! :-)
I pray you will feel God's loving arms around you during this time and experience His perfect peace and rest. Hugs and love to each of you.
Love ya much,
aunt donna :-) Isa. 40:31
Hi you guys!
I love it when I log on and see a new update. WOW lots of news. Thanks for giving us the latest and the new prayer requests.
I admire so much the grace that you both carry yourselves with during this most difficult time. God is so gracious and sufficient!
We continually pray for you and for little Lincoln as each day passes. My prayer is that he will receive a new heart TODAY, Lord willing. I pray that prayer every day and will continue to trust in our sovereign Heavenly Father for His perfect timing.
We love you all so much and send BIG HUGS and KISSES!!!
Love, Linda and George
YAHOO! five months old! I love you all and look forward to seeing you next week.
Auntie Heather
There is joy in the LORD, there is love in His spirit, the is HOPE in the knowledge of Him...
Just read the latest updates. Sorry to read that the little guy is not feeling well. We'll keep praying. Our son Kyle asks every single night to pray for "baby Lincoln." we never miss a night.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. You will be in our constant prayers.
Love and Hugs
Amber Ferry and family
Hi Lincoln, I am playing with Miles right now, but we wanted to stop and say hi. I love you in my heart. We will say a prayer for you right now. See you in five days.
Love, Sydney
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