Thank you all for your prayers...God has been hearing and answering them. Lincoln is doing better since his episode of dehydration and fast heart rate. There is such a small window of margin when it comes to his fluid balance...too positive, his lungs get wet...too negative, he starts to have tachycardia. He is doing better now and he remains sickness free! He is still having some problems with constipation which has been giving him a little pain. Lincoln is making more and more noises...he even giggled for the first time. He is focusing on objects and reaching out to touch them. The one little issue right now (and there is always something) is that his Broviac line (his central venous line) snapped and broke just outside his body. This line is surgically placed and can remain permanent. Unfortunately this is his only line that he has and that delivers his all-important medication that makes his heart pump. Normally they can repair the line without going back to the OR...but...Lincoln's line is too small to repair. For now they have temporarily "jerryrigged" it to work. They are talking about taking him to surgery on Thanksgiving day to change the line. Obviously they don't want to send him to the OR if they can help it while waiting for a heart...but he needs the line. Please pray that doing this procedure won't cause any problems with his stability...and that he will recover quickly. Meanwhile, we are still here in the ICU waiting and waiting. Lincoln has been on the waiting list for 5 weeks now and so far has been stable while waiting...PTL! On Sunday, Lincoln and daddy got to watch the Chargers beat the Broncos (GO CHARGERS!). He even got a little visit from his ICU girlfriend, Holly, who is also waiting for a heart. We pray that all of you have a great Thanksgiving! We are truly thankful for God's awesome grace and provision and all of you that have been praying for Lincoln. Happy Thanksgiving! We Love you all! J&K
Happy Thanksgiving to you guys too! Lincoln looks so cute with his little girlfriend. We are waiting and praying along with you guys. We are thankful for your friendship and the blessing that Lincoln is to you and to all who know him.
Lincoln looks good. I bet he is a joy to spend time with. May God continue to give you patience and encouragement as you wait on Him.
Happy Thanksgiving. I'm glad you know who we are giving thanks to!
Love, Jan and the ESA gang
We are and will continue to pray for Lincoln and all of you. I hope you guys have a good Thanksgiving as well and make sure to sneak Lincoln some stuffing. I bet he likes stuffing.
Happy Thanksgiving Lincoln, Josh and Kristen,
I just wrote a message and somehow I lost it...so I'll try and remember what I said. Sorry.
There is so much for which to be thankful. God is so good ALL THE TIME!
It was so fun to see father and son in Charger clothes watching the game.
Thank you for the pictures. It's so fun to see his little expressions and to hear of his little personality starting to emerge.
We continue to pray for you all daily, and ask that God would sustain you during this waiting period. Today, again, my prayer is for a new heart. Hey, maybe they could do the repair and get a new heart at the same time!
Love you guys so much and wish I could give you BIG HUGS for Thanksgiving!
Love Linda and George
Hi Josh and Kristen,
I pray you will have a very special Thanksgiving with family and that Lincoln will do well with the new procedure if it needs to be done. Love the pics of him with his girlfriend and him with his football! What a sweetie pie. Please give him a big hug from aunt donna and keep one for yourselves. Please give hugs to family as well.
Everyone is continuing to pray for each of you and I will pass on this new report tonight when I get home. I pray God's loving arms will surround you with His great love.
Love ya much,
aunt donna :-) Prov. 3:5-6
Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know how to pray for you all. I know that it is time on the computer and away from Lincoln, but it is so helpful and the pictures are always delightful to see. We wish you a Joyous Thanksgiving and thank the Lord along with you for the incredible gift He has given you in Lincoln. We continue to pray for your strength and patience as you wait for what must seem like an eternity. Grace and Peace!
Love, Roger and Jocie
Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! Lincoln is adorable - he is just toooooo cute! We are thankful for your continued testimony to the greatness of our God! We are praying for you and rejoicing that Lincoln is doing better!
I liked Lincoln's football outfit. It was cute. I hope you wouldn't be nervous. I'll be praying for you.
Thank you for the latest update and the cute pics of our little Lincoln. He has endeared himself to so many all over the world--what a blessing he truly is!!
Well, you can be assured that we will remember you all in our daily talks with the Lord.
Hope your Thanksgiving went well and that the Christmas holiday brings health for Lincoln.
Love and HUGS!
Amber Ferry and family
Happy thanksgiving! We had a wonderful time spending the holiday with each other. LA is a beautiful place to spend with you. Lincolns precious smiles lit me up inside. I expected to see our family photo on here. Love ya and see you at Christmas.
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