We would love to give you pictures and an update about the progress over the last three weeks but we have some more urgent news to give you. Wednesday (9/6) Lincoln had a scheduled appointment with his pediatrition. We told her that he had been sweating on his head and neck a bunch but his hands and feet were cold. He also had been laboring in his breathing more than usual. Fortunately he was scheduled to have an echocardiogram done the next day by his cardiologist because the symptoms we had mentioned sounded like some kind of heart trouble. Thursday Lincoln had his echo done and the results were less than pleasing. His cardiologist said that his heart looked more tired than it did a month before and there was also a potential blockage. He wanted Lincoln to have a cardiac catheterization the following Wenesday to get a better picture of what was going on inside his heart. After that appointment we went home in preparation for Wednesday. The next day (Friday) Lincoln started laboring even more in his breathing and started having a low-grade fever. He was also not eating and severely dehydrated. We felt Lincoln was working too hard at breathing to wait until Wednesday so we brought him in again. The Dr's felt that he should be admitted so they could monitor him until Wed. Through the night Lincoln had ups and downs...he was struggling to eat and was turning pale. Saturday morning while in the hospital we felt Lincoln was going from bad to worse. They ordered another echocardiogram. A different view confirmed Lincoln had a blockage in his aortic arch probably caused by scar tissue that had built up where the coarctation repair took place during his first surgery. It was significant enough to block the flow of blood to the point that his heart was overloaded and failing. They decided to rush Lincoln in to PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) and intubate him and start giving him some special heart medication to help out his heart function. Through the day they stabilized him and told us that the blockage needed to be removed but the good news was that they could do that during the heart catheterization. The bad news was that the Dr that does these specialized catheterization was out of town until Thursday. They told us we needed to have it done soon so they decided to fly Lincoln back down to UCLA for the procedure. While we were home preparing to leave again for UCLA the Dr called us an hour before Lincoln was to be transported and told us that the Dr had not left to go out of town yet and that he could do the procedure that night. We rushed back to the hospital as they were preparing Lincoln to go into surgery. The catheterization took 3 hours and they were able to open the blockage with a balloon. This is just a temporary fix and will have to be repaired again soon in the future but should buy him some time before his next scheduled surgery in a few months. Lincoln is now recovering in the PICU. He needs lots of prayers! Some concerns are that the heart and lungs were working so hard for so long that they could have been damaged...so the prayer is that now that the blockage is gone, that the cardiac function (squeezing effect and vigor of the heart muscle) would come back. Another prayer is that he can ween back off of the ventilator and breathe on his own again...this is touchy because breathing puts an extra load on the heart and his heart is already very tired. Another thing is, unless he is able to come home and his heart function and ventrical strength gets better, he will not be able to have his next surgery. PLEASE PRAY THAT HIS HEART FUNCTION GETS STRONGER AND HE CAN COME OFF OF THE VENT! Well, we will try to keep you posted of his progress as much as time allows us...until then PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! Sorry again for the lack of corrispondence...the last three weeks have been very fun and Lincoln was doing great and hopefully soon again. We love you all! J&K
You are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day!
Jeff & Jody Graves (in Indiana!)
I've been thinking of you guys a lot lately. I was going to call you soon to see when you wanted to get together to do Lincoln's photo shoot, then we got the call from Michelle on Saturday night about the surgery. You are all in our prayers and we are trusting the Lord to surround you with his peace and love.
So, I forgot how to type on the last message... What I meant to say was we are praying for you and love you all!!
We just wanted to let you know that we will be in fervent prayers for Lincoln’s heart to be restored, and for the two of you in all you’ve been through these last 3 days. It is a bit encouraging that Lincoln has proven himself a very strong boy with all he has already overcome. You guys have been very strong and watchful for his sake. You two being able to intervene and understand his problems and decline were probably critical to him in getting the recent help he needed. We’ll pray that God gives the doctor’s/surgeons wisdom, as well as the two of you. Hang in there you guys and let us know if we can help in any way.
It makes my heart break to hear of what you've been going through the past few weeks... it's all so very scary....
Mike and I will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
God Bless his little heart and lungs... Hand in there little fella!!
Mike, Terri and Matthew King ~ Las Vegas
It makes my heart break to hear of what you've been going through the past few weeks... it's all so very scary....
Mike and I will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
God Bless his little heart and lungs... Hand in there little fella!!
Mike, Terri and Matthew King ~ Las Vegas
HANG in there little fella!!
Christine and I have been and will continue to pray for God's purpose and direction to be done. You guys are a great testimony to us and we are here for you if anything is needed.
As Josh said, he and I are praying for you both and Lincoln!! God has done amazing things things in his life already, and we know that Lincoln will continue to be in His care. I will specifically pray for rest and energy for you both. I think about you all often!
Love, Christine
Thanks for the update Josh and Kristen! I have been spreading the word and have been praying for him since I heard he was having trouble. I will continue to do so. Thank you for visiting us and letting us all see little Lincoln.
Lots of love,
Nate Arnold
hi guys
Been praying for you lots since Auntie Heather called last Thursday.
We pray that the Lord would strenthen you all as you go through this and that Lincoln would rebound and be able to ween off that vent..I know Kristen you mentioned you were hoping to put off his next surgery, so I'm praying that the Lord allows that to happen.
We know you are in good hands down there, and that you are in the hands of the Great Physician.
Love from us all
Amber Ferry and family
We are praying for you all - Lincoln has continued to be a testimony of God's goodness and your faith has been an encouragement and challenge to me!!!!! We are praying that God will be the strength of your heart each day and that He will grant Linconln's heart GREAT strength!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys continue to be in our prayers. Just wanted to wish Lincoln a Happy 3 Month Birthday!
Lord, continue to lay your hands on Lincoln. Please give him and his family your peace and touch all of their hearts!
Jan Fayle and ESA people
"I hope Lincoln would go back to his house. I love him. I really wish that he would get out of the hospital and not be in the hospital anymore and help him to feel better. I hope I would be able to come to his house."
I was praying for you and Lincoln this morning and decided to check the blog and here you are in the hospital again. I will pray again and again. love to you all,
Linda Iles
Hi Josh and Kristen,
Just got back from vacation and got this latest update. I am so sorry Lincoln is back in PICU and that you are having to endure this along with him. You are much in my prayers and I will send this out to prayer partners tonight when I get home. I pray God's hand will touch little Lincoln with another miracle and bring him strength to keep on going and that you will feel His loving arms around you.
I love you much,
aunt donna :-) Psalm 23
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