So people have asked "How can we help?" Obviously continued prayer! Avoid contact with the family if you are or have been ill, or feeling like you might be coming down with something. Remembering to sanitize your hands if you visit or see Lincoln out and about and only touching him on his feet for now is a good idea. This is a hard request to ask but it's part of his life for now and the price of his health is very high! Thank you for joining us in this process until he and his immune system gets stronger! Again, a heart-felt thanks to so many who have helped out in so many ways! Praying, giving, serving, and more! Please PRAY Lincoln will soon be able to take in all of his feeds and his 16 meds by mouth and the NG tube can be removed. Please continue to pray that he can stay healthy and his body will flourish with this heart and not reject it. Please pray for endurance for us as this is a tough 24/7 job monitoring all Lincoln's medical care needs. We cant wait to see you all and it will be soon! We love you all! J&K
Hey Everyone! This is Lincoln Michael Carter's blog site. We are excited to be able to keep eveyone who is supporting him up to date with his current situation and with pictures. We covet all of your prayers as Lincoln is healing from his heart transplant!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Home At Last!
Lincoln finally got out of the hospital (for a 3rd time) on Thursday Aprl 26th and has been doing great. I traveled back home the next day to frantically clean and sanitize the apartment. The time had come last Tuesday for me and Grandpa to travel back to UCLA to pick up Lincoln and Kristen. We woke up early to pack up, load up and hit the road. We loaded Lincoln in the car and took off; following us close behind was Grandpa and a truck-load of belongings and medical supplies. How did we ever fit it all into a small hotel room? At roughly 6:30pm last Wednesday evening we rolled into Clovis. After 7 months of being cooped up in the PICU and then the hotel, it feels really awesome to finally be HOME! Thank you Lord for a new healthy heart! Thank you Lord for friends and strangers who have prayed, given of time, talent and treasure to support us and get us through this past year! What a blessing the Body of Christ has been! Now it's back to Children's Hospital for clinics, labs, echos. We are exhausted and it will take a few weeks to get settled, get Lincoln into a routine and get some much needed rest. Lincoln has already seen his Cardiologist and Pediatrician here at Childrens Hospital and they both feel Lincoln is doing great! Lincoln is feeling great and growing by leaps and bounds! He is doing so many new things and has endless energy! Its so wonderful that he can now sleep in his OWN bed in his OWN room with out all the noises of the PICU.
So people have asked "How can we help?" Obviously continued prayer! Avoid contact with the family if you are or have been ill, or feeling like you might be coming down with something. Remembering to sanitize your hands if you visit or see Lincoln out and about and only touching him on his feet for now is a good idea. This is a hard request to ask but it's part of his life for now and the price of his health is very high! Thank you for joining us in this process until he and his immune system gets stronger! Again, a heart-felt thanks to so many who have helped out in so many ways! Praying, giving, serving, and more! Please PRAY Lincoln will soon be able to take in all of his feeds and his 16 meds by mouth and the NG tube can be removed. Please continue to pray that he can stay healthy and his body will flourish with this heart and not reject it. Please pray for endurance for us as this is a tough 24/7 job monitoring all Lincoln's medical care needs. We cant wait to see you all and it will be soon! We love you all! J&K

So people have asked "How can we help?" Obviously continued prayer! Avoid contact with the family if you are or have been ill, or feeling like you might be coming down with something. Remembering to sanitize your hands if you visit or see Lincoln out and about and only touching him on his feet for now is a good idea. This is a hard request to ask but it's part of his life for now and the price of his health is very high! Thank you for joining us in this process until he and his immune system gets stronger! Again, a heart-felt thanks to so many who have helped out in so many ways! Praying, giving, serving, and more! Please PRAY Lincoln will soon be able to take in all of his feeds and his 16 meds by mouth and the NG tube can be removed. Please continue to pray that he can stay healthy and his body will flourish with this heart and not reject it. Please pray for endurance for us as this is a tough 24/7 job monitoring all Lincoln's medical care needs. We cant wait to see you all and it will be soon! We love you all! J&K
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God is so good and Lincoln is adorable - what happy smiles!!!!!!!!!! We are rejoicing with you and continuing to pray!
Hey Guys,
Glad you are home. We would like to visit soon, but we know you are going to have alot of visitors for some time. Let us know, when things slow down a bit for you guys and we can try to plan a visit. Lincoln looks great!!!!!
Love The Taylor Family
Oh my gosh he has gotten so big! I am so happy for you that he is doing well and you are FINALLY back home. For the longest time I thought he looked just like Josh but now I am starting to see Kristen emerge more. He has such a happy and beautiful smile, like he is just giggling all the time. Congratulations!
Lord, Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are so greatful for the gift of life that you have given us and Lincoln. We ask that you would heal him and help him no longer need his NG tube. God please keep your hand on him and his family and bless them in their home. Amen.
Jan and the ESA family
What a great and awesome God we have. He looks sooooo healthy. Just around the corner....WALKING.
In Santa Rosa
This is so awesome. It is amazing to see the goodness and greatness of God. We are so happy for you and we will be continuing to keep you in our prayers
I love Lincoln. I hope he's all better. I really, really, really do want him to stay at his house and not put the tube in his nose anymore. I realllllly want to be in his house so I can play with Lincoln.
happy mothers day!
What cute new pictures. I can see that Lincoln still loves his tongue ;-)
I still think the little guy looks so much like Nana York.
Well what else can I say except what a loving and gracious Lord we serve and how wonderful it is to know you are HOME where you belong.
We'll keep praying for continued health!
Blessings be yours FOREVER~
Love and Hugs,
Amber Ferry and family
wow... 7 months huh!
holy cow...
this is such great new you guys...
we are thrilled for you...
he is simply the most adorable little guy!
big hugs!
We are sooo happy for you guys!
God is so awesome and you all are so strong. Lincoln looks so happy and we are excited he is finally home.
Lisa, Rich, Ethan, and Ryan Mondoux
Have a great summer. I hope that Lincoln's heart is working well. I am praying that Lincoln will drink all his bottle and he would also not get any germs or sick anymore. When can I visit you guys? I love the pictures, especially the ones where Lincoln smiles.
I hope you have a great summer. I like all the pictures. I really like the first picture when he was smiling in the wagon. I hope Lincoln can stay home at your house forever so he wouldn't have to go to the hospital anymore. I am praying for Lincoln so he wouldn't have any surgery anymore. I have been praying for him for a long time since he has been in the hospital for such a long time. I hope he will have a great time at your house in Clovis. Hope you have a great time with Lincoln.
Hi Josh and Kristen,
I was sure I had a note on the blog after you brought Lincoln home but it seems to have gotten lost. Anyway, I am sooooooooooo pleased that you were able to be home for Mother's Day and get to truly celebrate with Lincoln.
He is truly one of the most adorable babies I have ever seen and I so look forward to a time when I can get to know him in person. I love his smile and his beautiful eyes! Why do boys always get those long eyelashes! :-) My son, Josh, had them also.
Love all of the pics but especially ones of Lincoln with Gramma Georgia and Gramma Vicki! Love the one of him "in the buff" as well. He will love that when he gets older.
Well, I best get going but wanted to let you know I continue to pray each day for you all and trust that things are going well for you. May the Lord continue to bless you and give you much strength on this journey. We have an Awesome God and Lincoln is truly a miracle that keeps on going.
Love and hugs,
aunt donna :-) Prov. 3:5-6
Came by to see if there were any updates!
Happy Birthday Lincoln Carter and Family!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Jan and ESA/Love INC
I know there isn't a new post, but tomorrow is June 12 and I am so rejoicing in Lincoln being one! God is AMAZING!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday :):):) Definitely something to praise God for!
Hi Josh, Kristen and Lincoln,
I am thanking and praising our wonderful God for His amazing work in all your lives this year and that we can all rejoice and celebrate Lincoln's 1st birthday! My heart overflows with joy for all of you and I trust that today will be a very special one for all of you. Will be anxious to see pics of Lincoln's 1st birthday and eating his cake.
May the Lord continue to bless you all abundantly with His love and grace as you continue on this amazing journey. I pray for you daily and know God is working His work in each of you. I trust that you are all doing well and that Lincoln is continuing to grow stronger and stronger. He looks soooo healthy and happy in his last set of pictures.
Lotsa love and hugs,
aunt donna :-) Eph. 3:20
Happy Birthday to Lincoln! Excited to see some new pics soon. We think and pray for you.
Love always,
Mackenzie O'Gorman & family
Anyone know of news.. besidess the great news that the little munchin turned ONE! is my email
Happy Birthday, Lincoln. I was hoping to have seen some pictures of your 1st birthday. I heard (6/18) via my brother-in-law Paul Eggenberger, who saw your grandma Frankie, who said you were doing GREAT. Keep up the good work.
Santa Rosa
Hey there Josh and Kristen,
Just a note to let you know I am thinking about you and Lincoln and wondering how you are all doing. I pray for you daily. I trust that "no news is good news".
Will be great to see some pics one day soon when you have the time to post them. I know you are busy 24/7 so I pray you are getting your rest.
May the Lord continue to bless and keep each of you.
Love ya much,
aunt donna :-) Isa. 40:31
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