OK...OK...We get the hint! We guess you like seeing pictures of Lincoln! January has been kinda hectic and we have been very busy. Lincoln has been doing well...for the most part. Currently, he is sick with Rotavirus (a gastroenteritis). But, before we get into that...let us recap the last few weeks. For the first few weeks since the last update (the 11th), Lincoln had been doing great, as evident by the pictures. Lincoln actually got offered a heart on the 13th. This has been the third offer so far...BUT, the donor was too far away (Hawaii). There would have been some dangerous risks involved with the time factor if he were to take it. So the waiting game continues! That's OK...God knows what's best for Linc and His timing is always perfect. On the 17th, we worked with the Occupational Therapist in trying to give a little "real" food to Lincoln. He ate some rice cereal and applesauce for the first time. This was definitely a shock to him....especially after not even tasting his milk or any other thing for almost 3 months. His trial run went very well! He was able to eat a little bit more on the next day, but because of spitting-up issues and currently being sick we have had to stop for now. On the 22nd, Lincoln's cardiologists all met together to discuss his current condition. They compared his most recent echocardiogram with the one done when he first got here in September. They told us that they think his heart has actually gotten a little better in the squeezing function. They also discussed possibly trying to wean some of his heart medications if things continue to go the way they are going. However, they were very clear that Lincoln was still in need of a new heart but they were encouraged that his heart has gained a little bit of strength back. For the past two weeks, Lincoln has been "spitting up" more. The doctors believe it has nothing to do with his heart but think he has acid reflux. They can't do anything more than give him medication for it, which he has already been on for.......ever. Even though it is getting worse, we just have to work with him...they won't dare surgically correct it until after he gets his heart. Lincoln is doing some new things developmentally. He is reaching for things more and more. He can give you a "high-five." He is talking more and more...and he found his scream again! He loves to smile and show his tongue...why?...who knows? He's just so darn handsome! Now back to the virus. Yesterday, Lincoln was doing a lot more than his normal spit up. He couldn't keep anything down...not even his meds. Last night he spiked a fever and they had to stop his feeds and put him on IV fluids. They tested a bunch of cultures and today the labs came back positive for Rotavirus. This is a flu-like virus in your intestines causing vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Because of this virus, Lincoln feels so sick. When seeing Lincoln, we now have to gown up and take precautions against spreading or contaminating...it's a pain but it's needed. Hopefully, with lots of prayers, this should last only 3-8 days. Because its a virus...they can't give any medications or antibiotics (just Tylenol). Please pray that he won't lose anymore cardiac/pulmonary reserve while battling this illness. One positive thing that has happened in the past 24 hours is that we were able to turn Lincoln's oxygen completely off and get rid of his nasal cannula. He has been satting so well that he doesn't need the extra support and we were able to take one of the bandages off of his face. We've had a lot of visitors which has kept us busy and has helped mix up the day. Thanks for coming and keeping us from getting too bored. We know there are so many of you who have helped out in so many different ways! We wish we could send "Thank you" cards or respond to every email, card or gift we receive...but that would take way too long...there are just too many of you! Just know that we love and thank you all for all of your thoughts, prayers, support and love! Our Journey would be so long and tough to get through without you! We will talk to you all soon...we love you all! J&K
OMG thank goodness for more pictures and an update...
I'm so sorry he has that virus...
dang it!! That's nasty!
But other than that... he sounds great!! ... HE IS THE CUTEST LITTLE GUY.. THOSE PICTURES ARE GREAT...
I think you're having better luck that even we are w/ feedings, believe it or not... I'm so glad to hear that they're trying to "feed" him ... get him used to it...
then you won't be like us at almost 2 years still tube feeding!!
Hi JOsh and Kristen,
Soooooooooo good to get an update on Lincoln and see how much he is growing! He is so adorable and really loves his tongue! Thanks for all the great pictures as it makes me feel more a part of your lives.
I will be praying that Lincoln gets over this virus quickly with no other complications and that you do not pick it up as well. I continue to pray that a new heart will come in God's time and just the right one. His plan is perfect and we just need to keep on trusting Him.
It is so good to hear how Lincoln is developing in so many ways. I know it must be fun for you to watch him grow.
I pray you are resting much and keeping your strength up. It is good that you have so many who come to visit and give you the encouragement to keep on going. God has blessed you with special people to come alongside.
Best get going and get this update sent out to our prayer partners. They will be pleased to hear how all of you are doing.
Love ya much,
aunt donna :-) Phil. 4:13,19
Hi Guys,
It's so GOOD to hear from you again. The pictures are fantastic. What a cutey!!!! No, not you Josh. Lincoln sounds like his little personality is really blossoming. He's just a doll!
So sorry he has this virus now, yet there was so much other good news!!!! Yea!!!!!!! So many people are praying, no wonder he is doing well. God is so good. He's pushing 8 months now, wow, time flies for us...but I know it must DRAG for you guys. I'm glad you've had lots of company.
Every week Riverpark prays for Lincoln from the pulpit, also I update the choir (80 to 100 people) each week on the prayer sheet, and I also share with my ladies Bible Study group every week. I only tell you this so you will be encouraged that WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN TO PRAY!!!!
We love you all and hope to see you soon.
Love, Linda
He is looking wonderful!
Lord, You know where the heart is for Lincoln. We ask for your perfect timing for all concerned!
Love, Jan and ESA/Love INC clan
Yay, an update!!! It's so great to see the pictures. Thank you for putting up so many. It really is so fun to see how he is growing and changing so much with each post. We are continuing to keep you all in our prayers as you face the everyday trials that come with having a child in the hospital. I hope Lincoln starts to feel better soon.
Lots of Love,
Melissa (and Randy too!)
guys we've been trying to email you and it keeps bouncing back! You're strength is unreal. Pls let us know how we can get in touch with you. Christian, Sarah & Evan. 760-419-2335
Thanks for the update Guys....I must admit, we were getting a bit nervous. Hadn't heard anything for awhile. It's good to hear that he is doing well. I hope he gets over this virus real soon.
The picture are just awesome. He is just so darn cute. He got it from his Mama..LOL..
Talk to you soon
Love the Taylor Family
He is soooooooooooo adorable and growing so much!!! Thanks for the update - we are praying for you all!!!!!
Christine and I are praying for you as always and we think of you guys often. Your testimony is such a good example to follow.
A friend told me about your son through a Christian forum. I am thrilled at the accomplishments he has made in your latest post.
Just wondering for the acid reflux problem if you have tried food enzymes? A friend of mine had a premie who suffered from acid reflux, and woke up screaming. They gave her a food enzyme mixed in her bottle, and she was healed from it. Keep the faith! You all are doing a wonderful job, and Lincoln I'm sure is proud of his parents! Praying for you. God bless you and keep you.
Esther C.
Interior Alaska
Jeremiah 29:11
Love you guys. I was in SF this weekend. I walked to the pier and it was beautiful. I talked to God about Lincoln over the port. I prayed for His healing and miracles. Sydney and I love you guys so much and miss you all dearly.
Love, Auntie
Hey guys! We had so much fun visiting you a few weeks back. Lincoln is so precious and we loved just hanging out with you guys. It was really eye opening to see a day in the life of the Carters. Your strength is amazing. I wish we were closer and could see you more often. We love you guys and pray daily for you. We pray Lincoln will get over this virus quickly and will have a new heart SOON! We can't wait until the next time we can make it out there.
love ya,
Sarah....John, Madison and Joel
It must take some time to get all those pics posted here, but it's SO nice to see them. what a sweet and silly boy you have! His tongue pics are so great. What a drag to be dealing with a virus like that. We're still praying for a miracle heart and for the Lord's total healing.
Always in our hearts~
Amber Ferry and family
I came to see if there was an update and also to say:
While we keep little Lincoln in our daily prayers...
please keep little Mason Manning in your prayers too.. he was born Tuesday w/ a heart defect ...
scheduled for surgery next week at Stanford by Dr. Hanley ....His family is from here in Las Vegas....
Thank you!
Okay guys, I prayed for you as I drove past Clovis today on my way home from San Bernardino. We were saying goodbye to my grandma who went to be with Jesus a week and a half ago. Just a short note to let you know how you are loved and prayed for so fervently.
Take Care~
Love ya
Amber Ferry and family
you have a handsome little guy! You are very strong parents! We will keep you in our prayers, we come from mathews blogg. We hope he can start eating soon. wyndi and izzy
I really, really really want Lincoln to come to our house someday. I really, really, really hope he would feel better. I want him to feel better. I hope he would go back to his house and never be at the hospital again. I love him. I hope he would love me. I hope he would love everybody. I like the picture with the messy face. I really think it's funny.
Happy valeintines day!
CHD Awrness Day :)
Happy Valentine's Day to our BIG 8 month old boy now! You are growing up so fast. My Valentine prayer for you today would be a brand new heart. Our Heavenly Father can do that and I will trust in HIS perfect timing.
We love you guys.
Linda and George
Happy Valentines Day sweet little one..
it's also Happy Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day....
Beautiful CHD Awareness Week Poem
Somewhere...someplace... today...
A family is waiting to hear...
Is something wrong with their baby?
The answers aren't quite clear...
This family has entered an unwanted world...
And they just don't know what to expect...
Somewhere...someplace... today
They first heard the words: heart defect.
And how they hoped this was not true...
And thought... this cannot be...
I too... know just how this feels...
For one day...this was me.
A man and a woman embrace...
Their baby is in surgery...
They long to see her face...
They haven't got to hold her yet...
Without...a cord or line...
They pace the room awaiting news...
And hope she'll be just fine.
Prayers fill this busy waiting room...
And mom and dad are scared...
The tiniest hearts are repaired.
A child's growing fast...
His mom thinks...can this last?
It's almost easy...to forget...
That anything is wrong...
Her child seems so strong.
Somewhere...someplace... today...
A little boy fights...just to live
A father holds his tiny hand...
His love...all he can give...
The doctor's are all baffled...
They fear that he might die...
A family says goodbye...
Somewhere...someplace...each year..
More than 40,000 families will see...
What it means...when something's wrong...
They'll face a CHD.
Today...for just a moment...
Make time to tell someone you know...
"I've been changed by a heart defect".
Author - Stephanie Husted
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