Hey Everyone! This is Lincoln Michael Carter's blog site. We are excited to be able to keep eveyone who is supporting him up to date with his current situation and with pictures. We covet all of your prayers as Lincoln is healing from his heart transplant!
Oh guys - this is so awesome!!! We have been praying so hard that Lincoln will get a real heart for Valentine's Day. I've been checking every half hour all day and I am so excited. We will be praying hard! We love you!
Josh & Kris,
This is so amazing. Tears well up as I think about it. You must be feeling so many emotions!!! I was soooo excited as I read the e-mail. God is so good. We will pray for a peace as you and the rest of the family wait the many hours to see him. We know that he is in God's hands. Know that we will be praying for you through out the night.
Love, Christine (& Josh)
I am just crying my eyes out...
thank God in Heaven!!
I am praying hard!
Josh and Kristen,
Wow...We are sooooooooooooo excited for you all. This day has been amazing! God is so good. His timing is absolutely perfect and to get the perfect heart for Lincoln. We will be praying through the night and wait with anticipation of the great celebration to come!!!!!! We also will be praying for the dear family who is grieving their loved one. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!!!
Love you so much,
Linda and George
This is exciting - know we will pray for you!!!!!! God is so good and the blessing is knowing he is in control.
Lincoln got a heart wooohOOO!! My little Silas (3) explained to me the other day how a transplant works. "They take the new heart and put it in his tummy" It is that simple to God. The boys will be very excited about this news and you will be in our prayers.
the day you have been waiting for! Good luck to you guys tonight!
Praise God who answers prayer and provides for His people! Josh and Kristen, we are rejoicing with you. My students have been praying for Lincoln and will be so excited to hear. We will continue to pray for the doctors and the little man. Praise the Lord.
Blair & Michelle Edwards
We are sooooo excited for you guys. I have been calling everyone to let them know to pray for Lincoln. Tears of joy stream down my face as I write. God is so good. I pray that He guides the hands of the doctors and gives them wisdom and strength during this long surgery. I pray He gives you guys peace and rest during, what I'm sure will be, a sleepless night. We love you guys!
Sarah...John, Madison and Joel
Hi Josh & Kristen
!!!!!@@@###%%%^^&****&&^}}}(*!!!?? There is no word to describe this excitement that we feel for Little Lincoln. We will be in prayer for him and the Drs and you guys and all the family as well as the family of the precious little donor
baby. We love you guys. Little Lincoln is fearfully and wonderfully made and marvelous are all God's works. We pray that you will continue to feel His powerful hand tonight and all the days to come. Love Patsy and Dan
we are praying for linxoln! and the donor family what a wonderful gift and blessing !
Hi When I sent Lincoln his Valentine I mentioned that I hope this heart will be followed by a real heart and God was listening. Praise be to God. Can't wait for the rest of the story. - Love Debbie Belmont
Yes, and I'm praying for the donor family, too....
Words cannot express how happy we are for you guys!!! Seeing Lincoln not even a week ago was exciting... but this is amazing. God's hand in this situation is perfect. We will be praying for Lincoln and the rest of the Carter (and York)families. We will also continue praying for the donor family. We love you guys. Love always,
Bryan and Jaime (Posthumus) Angel
My prayers are with you! What a little sweetheart you have.
Praise the Lord for this incredible gift and for His perfect timing! I know this will be a long night for you guys as well as many of your prayer warrior friends and family. We will be anxiously awaiting some news. Our prayers are with the family of the donor too. We love you guys and can't wait to see you all again.
May the light of heaven shine down on the operating room right now and may the MIGHTY hand of the LORD GOD bring peace and success right now. In prayer with you all...
Love and hugs
Amber Ferry
We are praying for Lincoln and that his surgery and recovery will go off without a hitch. He is soooooo adorable! Jessica and I have been to your site several times and are praying for you all. Of course we are praying for the donor family and their gift of life during their darkest hour.
Hi Guys,
Just checking in again. Can't sleep! By now Lincoln's new heart should be in his little chest. What a blessing. I know there is still a long time yet in surgery tonight and just wanted you to know I'm still praying.
To GOD be the GLORY!
Love, Linda
Hi Linda... I can't sleep either..
just checking in, too!
Josh & Kristen, We are so excited and happy for you guys. God is so good and He continues to bless us over and over again. We are all looking forward to seeing all three of you back home in Fresno. Lincoln is so cute and is really growing into a fine young man and now with a new heart......!! You guys are such a wonderful testimony for everyone to see and I'm sure the hospital staff will have many wonderful memories of your time with them. We will continue to pray and also for the family who have provided a heart for Lincoln. God is so good. Give Lincoln a hug and a kiss as soon as possible.
Love you guys, Curtis & Vera Jean
It's time God. It's time. Let Lincoln be at peace.
I should have been more specific. At peace, I mean peace with you Lord.
God is so amazing! I have been reading about little Lincoln's progress over the past few months and every time I come to this page I lift him up to the Lord. God is so awesome! We'll continue to pray that there are no glitches with his new heart!
The Harder Family
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