Hey Everyone! This is Lincoln Michael Carter's blog site. We are excited to be able to keep eveyone who is supporting him up to date with his current situation and with pictures. We covet all of your prayers as Lincoln is healing from his heart transplant!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
OK, We're Back!!
Thank you all for being so patient with us! Although when we started getting threatening emails and people coming up to us and saying "NOTHING SINCE MAY 9th!!".....we said to ourselves, "I think we better update!" You would think that now that we're home we would have all the time in the world to update....NOPE!.... It’s just the opposite. Lincoln consumes every part of our lives with his special needs, so needless to say we have been extremely busy....but OOHHH how fun it has been! Let’s see what you have missed the last two and a half months: There was Kristen’s first Mother’s day with Lincoln; Lincoln going to the Zoo with mommy and friends; Lincoln's first time in the swimming pool; Finally being able to go to church; Lincoln turning 1 and having a big birthday party; Going up to Hume Lake for Father’s Day; Going to the movie theater with mommy and daddy; Going to the park a bunch; Lincoln's first Fourth of July seeing fireworks (last year he was in the NICU at UCLA), and who can forget the pictures taken at his first professional portrait session. Also during that time Lincoln went down to UCLA to have another catheterization for a heart biopsy. He did so well and there was no evidence of any rejection. He has also been to his pediatrician and his cardiologist numerous times and each visit he does great. He has been sick only a few times...one of those times resulting in a trip to the ER but everything turned out fine. He is eating a little bit better, although he still has his NG tube. Lincoln has also achieved some new milestones in his development. Some of his new words include: "Uh-daa, Dada, Mama, Yaya, Baba and Uh-Oh" and some others we're not sure of or of their spelling. He likes to wave Bye-Bye, clap his hands and dance to music. He rolls over, scoots on his bottom when sitting up, and stands up while holding onto you. He is so close to crawling...we're thinking in a week or two. He has 5 teeth...2 upper and 3 bottom. Overall, Lincoln is doing great. He is developing just fine and growing like crazy! Please be praying for his next biopsy down at UCLA scheduled for mid-August. He is also a little under the weather due to teething and getting a cold. Thank you all for your continued love, prayers and support! We Love you all! J&K

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Hi Josh and Kristen,
What a joy to see how Lincoln is growing and developing! Thanks for the great report of God's continuing miracle! Lincoln is absolutely precious and what a cutie. The pictures are great and it is so neat to see you all doing such fun things. God is sooooooooooooo good!
What a joy it must have been to take Lincoln up to Hume Lake for the first time as I know that is one of your favorite spots. The last time I was there was in about 1997 with Vicki and it brought back such precious memories of counseling there in the late 60's and early 70's. Must be great to have him at church and interact with others. God is truly blessing each of you and I am so very thankful for what He has done.
I will be sure to email this report to all those who have prayed and they will be overjoyed for each of you. Continuing to pray for each of you. I do hope to get down to see Vicki one day and get a chance to see you all. Please give family my love.
May you experience God's love in a mighty way today as you seek and serve Him.
Love and hugs,
aunt donna :-) Isa. 40:31
and Eph. 3:20
Yea for pictures and an update! I am sure you are on the go! He is adorable and growing so quickly! We continue to rejoice in God's grace and mercy!
Dang! It's about time....
you can turn this blog into book form.....
and since it's a diary of sorts...
it's a great idea...
I think we'll be doing this for Matthew's blog...
since I didn't have time to keep up on a baby book ...
We have 2 years of "stuff"
OK... off to read the update and check out the cute pictures!!
OH YOU GUYS...I am SO excited to see these pictures, I can't stop smiling.
What a JOY. I love every single picture. He still seems to love his tongue!
We'll keep praying for strength to handle the daily routine and for the little guy to grow and grow.
Love and Hugs!!
Amber and family
PS--I still say he looks like Nana York! ;-)
I just had to come back out and look at these amazing pictures. His joy is infectious, and since my oldest baby is starting kindergarten in three days, I needed to see some joy to get me out of a funk....(yes, i'm a little sad to see him go to school)
Love you all!!!
Amber and family
Wow, Lincoln! Can't believe it's been six months since you got your new heart. It is fun to watch you grow big and strong and accomplish so many new and fun things. Praying that your biopsy goes well on Monday and you continue to love your new heart for years and years to come. We love you.
omg kristen and josh it took me for ever to find u guys online i lost the email and i lost ur guys phone numbers im so glad to here that lincoln doing good and sorry to here he has his up downs he gotten so BIG i seen all ur pictures and it was so sad and happy to look at them because of remeber elliott but he in a better place NOW me and ralphie are doing good we have are ups and downs but we get threw it but there not a day when i dont think of the lil one to me i think hes still here just i know i cant see well take care and love ya all! miss u and b safe..
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