Hey Everyone! It's almost Christmas and Lincoln is doing pretty good...PTL! Last night he got his 6 month vaccinations (5 of them) so he is feeling kinda sore. But other than that, things are stable. His last echocardiogram shows no change in the heart function, which is good. He is breathing comfortably, even though his lungs remain a little wet. His color and perfusion are great. His blood oxygen content (saturation level)is a little low these days but the cardiologists are OK with it as long as he looks good and has good pulses and blood pressure. You can pray that his saturation levels come up. Lincoln is doing new things everyday. He loves to watch his legs and feet as he kicks them up and down. He is starting to turn his body to his left side more...the right side is still a little weak. He loves to stick out his tongue...we'd like to think it's his personality but we think he is teething. He is also recognizing the fact that being held is sooooo much better than lying in the crib all day. If you put him down he'll let you know. His Uncle John came to visit him and take his daddy to the Charger's game for a much needed break. Liza, one of Lincoln's favorite nurses loves to hold him more than work we think. She is always telling us to go do something so she can hold him. Continue to be steadfast in your prayers...Lincoln is doing good but there are the occasional bumps in the road that trigger us to worry...and we don't like bumps. We pray for a new heart soon! We hope everyone has a merry merry Christmas! We miss you and love you all very much! J&K
Hi Josh and Kristen,
Love the pics of Lincoln with his tongue out! He looks like he is really having fun :-)! It is so good to see all 3 of you together with smiles. I continue to pray moment by moment for each of you.
I sent a package today for you all and for Rob and Vicki. I pray it arrives before Christmas so you can share it. There is a special gift for Lincoln from Aunt Donna. Please give him a big hug and keep one for yourselves.
Have a blessed Christ-filled Christmas and give love and hugs to Vicki and Rob.
Love ya much,
aunt donna :-) Luke 2
Oh goodie..
I love it when the blog has been updated! You all look great....so did Uncle John!
He's just darling!
The Kings ~ Las Vegas
Lincoln is just darling... well...
so is John... but I was meaning Lincoln!!! John... you know I love ya more than my luggage!!
Hi Kristen & Josh,
All three of you just look great. It's so great to check the web site and see all of your happy faces and Lincoln doing so well. He is such a doll. You can be sure that if I was there I would be begging to get to hold him. I'm sure we would be playing patty-cake sooner than you think. We will continue to pray for all three of you, the doctors, nurses and everyone involved in the care of your precious little boy. God is so good and I'm sure he has very special plans for all of you. We love you and look forward to seeing you soon. We send our love,
Vera Jean & Curtis
We are so glad to see that Lincoln is doing well and staying strong. We miss seeing you 3 in the PICU, but are thankful you have a place for us to check in.
Merry Christmas Carter family, hopefully we'll be seeing you soon!
Love, Rich, Lisa, Ethan and Ryan Mondoux
You guys have a wonderful Christmas too. It is great to hear and see that Lincoln is doing so great. We continue to pray that God will heal and provide for him. We miss you guys and we hope to be able to see you sooner than later.
Hi Carter Family,
The pictures of Lincoln are adorable. What a sweet little guy he is. Just wanted to let you know that you are always in my prayers....especially this month. Lots of heart hugs from Visalia, CA.
The McCorvey Family
(Johnnie, Carlie, Zachariah, Makenna and Caton)
It has been quite a journey so far, It is hard to believe what all he has had to go thru, and I would think that you folks are would love to go back to a day that was so excitement free. Reading the stories about this little guy the Lord must have a big job for him,may the father grant you all peace, joy,and his love. God Bless you all and Merry Christmas Bruce T Rodgers
May God bless and hold you as you. Our office will be closed for a week, but our prayers are still for God's perfect timing for you and Lincoln.
Merry Christmas
Love, Jan and the ESA bunch
All the pictures are so cute! I love his outfit in the last one :) I miss cuddling with him already and can't wait to see you all again. So glad to hear that his echo showed no change. We'd been praying for that since his heart rate has been high. We'll continue to pray for his O2 sats and fluid balances. Hope you enjoy your time with family and have a Merry Christmas!
Love ya,
Merry Christmas guys!
We think of you every day...
Mike, Terri & Matthew King ~ LV
Merry Christmas Carter Family!!!
This is Christmas morning and I'm thinking and praying for you guys. My prayer is that this will be your best Christmas EVER!!! What a blessing to have Lincoln in your arms. What a beautiful and precious little boy he is. God is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD! Still praying for a new heart real soon and a new beginning for all of you.
We love you and send hugs and kisses.
Love, Linda and George
Hi Josh & Kristen,
Hoping you had a relaxing Christmas! Praying everyday for you guys and for Lincoln. We have a little picture of Lincoln on the counter above our sink. That way we are reminded numerous times throughout the day to pray for you. We were so thrilled to be able to come and see you all. Lincoln just looks so good. We continue to pray for God's blessing in your lives as well as strength and hope for each day that passes.
Love, Roger & Jocie :)
Hey you guys!
I love the new pics, and the CHRISTmas decorations you put up were adorable. I'm sure the baby loved to look at them.
We're still keeping up with the latest so we know what to put at the foot of the Cross. Lincoln looks so GREAT and I am looking forward to seeing him when the Lord gives him his new heart and he is able to go home. We are in continued prayer on behalf of Lincoln and we want you to know how we love you.
Love and Hugs
Amber Ferry and family
Hi Josh, Kristen and Lincoln,
We haven't posted comments in the past few months...but we wanted you to know that we pray for you everyday! Lincoln sure is cute, and he seems so happy! God is good, it has been a real blessing for our family to watch his provision and joy through your family.
Jen Duerksen (Eggenberger)
Hey, guys! Heard from Peggy that you've been sick, Josh. We're praying that you get better soon so you can hold your special guy & root for those Chargers. Also praying, Kristen, that you & Lincoln stay healthy. We hope you had a good Christmas. We were thinking of you and praying for you. Love ya!
Hey guys! We hope you had a great Christmas together. We love you guys and are praying for you.
"May the peace of God which transends all understanding guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus."
Sarah....John, Madison and Joel
Hi Josh & Kristen,
I think of the three of you often, and as often as I do, I pray for the Lord to pour out an overabundance of grace upon you. Grace for faithfullness, for provision, for patience, for healing, for comfort, for love, for joy. I start each of my classes by taking prayer requests. I told my students about little Lincoln back in September, and rarely has there been a day that they have not asked to pray for him since.
I read them sections of the first chapter of 2 Corinthians where warriors of the faith, Paul and Timothy, “were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure.” We know the extreme trials that the Lord ordeigned for Paul, and here in these verses we get a glimpse of the source of Paul's ability to endure with joy. Listen to Paul’s words. “On Him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the comfort granted us in answer to the prayers of many.”
In addition to the host of friends and family who are praying for you, there are scores of people who you have not even met that are daily praying on your behalf to the same God of comfort who upheld Paul and Timothy.
With love,
Blair and Michelle Edwards
Hi Josh and Kristin :-)
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We're praying for you guys and hope that we can make it down soon to see you. Little Lincoln is adorable. Our whole church is praying for him!
Love you guys,
Amy Linton
How's it going guys?
The Kings
I come and check pretty much every day for an update.
If anyone has an update... or knows that everything is okay or not okay.. can you let me know?
Our hearts are saddened to know that little Holly has gone to be with the Lord. I know this is an emotional time for you guys right now as it hits so close to home. Praying that you are able to provide encouragement to Holly's parents and walk with them through this journey. We know that you just pour your lives into the other families there at UCLA and this hurts a lot for you. We also pray that you find encouragement from your precious little Lincoln as he gives you big giggles now. How precious.
Love ya,
Oh no... little Holly died????
Sooo sad....when did that happen?
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