Hey Everyone! It's almost Christmas and Lincoln is doing pretty good...PTL! Last night he got his 6 month vaccinations (5 of them) so he is feeling kinda sore. But other than that, things are stable. His last echocardiogram shows no change in the heart function, which is good. He is breathing comfortably, even though his lungs remain a little wet. His color and perfusion are great. His blood oxygen content (saturation level)is a little low these days but the cardiologists are OK with it as long as he looks good and has good pulses and blood pressure. You can pray that his saturation levels come up. Lincoln is doing new things everyday. He loves to watch his legs and feet as he kicks them up and down. He is starting to turn his body to his left side more...the right side is still a little weak. He loves to stick out his tongue...we'd like to think it's his personality but we think he is teething. He is also recognizing the fact that being held is sooooo much better than lying in the crib all day. If you put him down he'll let you know. His Uncle John came to visit him and take his daddy to the Charger's game for a much needed break. Liza, one of Lincoln's favorite nurses loves to hold him more than work we think. She is always telling us to go do something so she can hold him. Continue to be steadfast in your prayers...Lincoln is doing good but there are the occasional bumps in the road that trigger us to worry...and we don't like bumps. We pray for a new heart soon! We hope everyone has a merry merry Christmas! We miss you and love you all very much! J&K