Hey everyone! Hope all is well with you…it is with us! Lincoln is doing great. The last few months have been the busiest since we’ve been home! In May we celebrated one year being home from the hospital. Yeah!! Lincoln and I were also involved in Auntie Heather and Uncle Creed’s wedding where Lincoln was the Ring Bearer…He looked adorable! Also in May, God opened the door for me to get back into law enforcement. I left for a three-week training course and left Kristen and Lincoln at home by themselves. Although it was difficult being away for so long…I think it was tough for all of us. June was an incredibly busy month as well! On June 12th we celebrated Lincoln’s 2nd birthday…what a day it was! Plus we traveled A LOT for different family occasions. We must have put thousands of miles on the vehicle. Well, here we are in July and nothing seems to be slowing down! Lincoln saw his first fireworks show on the 4th. We are also planning on going camping for the first time with Lincoln next week…it should be an interesting time trying to keep him somewhat clean! On July 9th we went to visit Papa York who had surgery to remove his right kidney due to an unexpected bout of kidney cancer. The recovery is going well and he seems to be doing great…Praise God! However, it was interesting to see Lincoln start crying when we tried to put him on Papa’s lap while he was lying in his hospital bed. Lincoln saw all of the tubes and wires and got scared…it seems incredible to think that Lincoln still has an understanding and empathy for what those things are. Lincoln is also talking a ton! He can almost say the sound each letter makes in the alphabet. He is so smart…he must get that from his mommy! He is starting to repeat words and noises he hears. Singing and dancing seem to be his favorite thing! He has great rhythm and a great ear for pitch…he must get that from his daddy! A great praise to the Lord for keeping Lincoln from getting sick through the spring, which was a huge sickness season! And so far his heart is strong, his medication levels are perfect and he is growing like a weed! You can be praying for Lincoln’s next biopsy…we head down to UCLA on Labor Day weekend. He is scheduled to go into surgery on Labor Day, Sep. 1st. This will be the biopsy that is held after a year and a half of transplant. It will be strange yet an exciting appointment because UCLA Medical Center finally moved into their new hospital across the street which was under construction during the time we were there. As I close this update…I am reminded how awesome and faithful God is! A few nights ago I was watching an episode of Hopkins on TV. They highlighted the story of a 2 yr. old boy who received a heart transplant after a bad bout of myocarditis (an acute viral infection that attacks the heart). The images and emotions that I saw seemed to transcend the small wall of glass of the TV and grab me and once again I found myself in the hospital experiencing the same thing all over again. I could hardly watch and keep the tears back knowing that Lincoln went through that experience just as that little boy did, and how fragile their lives are even now. BUT…God is good and He is perfect and He is faithful! What a great reminder to continually be thankful and to be on our knees for these little guys knowing that their health is so fragile. So Kristen and I say thank you…thank you for all of the continued prayers and support! We can’t do it without you! Have a great summer and we will see ya all next time! We love you all! J&K